Old York

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A portal appeared in a back alleyway of a less travelled street, somewhere in a big city. No one was around to see the portal form, and thus no one went to investigate it.

The first thing through was a pair of black and red boots, followed by black tight pants that soon faded to a light grey on the sides. The rest of their body came through, showing their small stature as well as their appearance.

She had a jacket on, one with a torn left sleeve where a black metallic arm rested in place of her real one. A black mask covered her face, with red eyes and a head of shining silver hair being the key features of her face.

The Ship of the Tempest, Z73, has arrived to the new world.

The portal closed behind her, and she took a look around at the many buildings that looked rustic and very much built with bricks. Seeing the lack of danger, she grabbed her mask and took it off, her eyes changing to a light purple as she took the mask off and hung it to her hip.

"Well, I can say this place has a very...classic design."

She dusted herself off, walking out of the alleyway and flexing her metal arm as she did, making sure it had no problems from the warp.

"Alright, no complications in the arm so I should be fine. Moving on, where should I start?"

She looked around, seeing the buildings of an urban city leading slowly into a very centralized and towering city that was...


'I'm in fucking New York aren't I?'

She blinked a few times, looking around the fairly populated streets and seeing the fashion of vests and dresses that she never really saw much of in the modern day. The muted colors of the buildings also brought back memories of the days back when she was still a ship.

She was scratching her head, looking around with an eyebrow raised. 'This isn't the modern day New York, I can tell...but what year is it?"

Continuing down the street, her completely different style of clothing and strange color of hair and eyes caught the attention of many of the people walking. She took a deep breath, and completely ignored them.

'It's just like when I first arrived at Ironblood...just calm down, you can easily kill a human 73...calm down.'

She took a deep breath and continued walking towards the central city, where she hoped to find something that can give her a clue to where the Siphon is. Unless the Mafia in this alternate world is essentially non-existent, then she shouldn't have to many problems getting a few favors with them and getting info through contacts.

She smiled. 'Thank God I know how to persuade people, both with and without extreme torture.'

It was a nice walk, that's for sure.

The central parts of New York were almost identical to the modern day, with the key differences of the people, the cars, and what buildings did what.

'This building here is gonna be a hotel in the future, probably not to far off from now actually.'

She was sightseeing at the time, just traveling down her ways without a care in the world. The mafia usually hides in plain sight, so she would have to wait until nighttime before she could do anything significant.

She bumped into a man. "Sorry Sir."

"Oh, it's no trouble."

She stopped as the boy continued walking off. "Hey, kid."

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