Messing with Mamma

434 25 16

A patrol of Locust drones walked in the tunnels of the Hollow, marching through on their way to another sector of the vast underground network. Wherever they're going, only they know as the orders were given directly to them before they were sent off.

The many tunnels passed them as they jogged along, and soon, they would reach yet another set, almost on loop as they marched to their objective.


In one of those tunnels, a head of blonde hair peeked out from the side, watching them go a before stepping out into those tunnels as well. Kurfürst was thankful that being a shipgirl gave her the many qualities of a ship, and one such quality?

Spotlights, in essence, night vision.

'I'm surprised no one else has figured this out yet. We are literally humans with the properties of ships, just think outside the box...'

Shaking the thought, she went through a tunnel that looked as if it went upward, hoping it stayed that way so she can keep heading towards the surface. No doubt, the others thought she was either missing, or dead, and she was ready to disprove that.

The tunnels were surprisingly quiet, and she occasionally ran into the smaller wildlife of the place. There were large bats that had huge fangs, which she killed before they got close, large worms that were surprisingly tasty and tough(yes, she ate it raw. War can change a Shipgirl.), among many other things, including the Kryll.

Then, there was the larger sounds, and the only creatures who would make so much noise in those tunnels were obviously the apexes or the Locust, both forces she wishes to avoid for the time being. The Corpser she witnessed truly did shock her, seeing that those were the things chasing them on the surface and how monstrous they truly were.

However, there was another huge creature that was just as big as the Corpser. It looked like a dinosaur, yet it was vaguely humanoid thanks to the posture and shape of it's body.

Whatever it was, it looked deadlier to humans than the Corpser, only by biology standards rather than physiology. It didn't have the armor of the Corpsers, but those hands and that jaw look mean enough to be even more of a threat, let alone the ability to grab and hurl things.


'Speak of the Devil...' She crouched down, hiding behind a rock as she kept a close eye on the tunnel ahead of her, seeing one such creature walk past.

What made her more curious was that not far behind was a second one, one that was slightly smaller than the front one. She kept a close eye on them, and the curious side of her took over, as she started to follow after them.

Her armor clunked around while she followed them, and she was thankful that their footsteps were so loud and rumbly, making it far easier to follow after them. Occasionally, she saw light appear as some sort of naturally bright substance glowed nearby, revealing lakes of glowing yellow goo that steamed and sometimes bubbled.

No way in hell was she touching that.

The creatures turned down another path, one that she followed shortly behind, always staying behind them only a few dozen meters as they moved through the caverns. Eating those delicious worms while grabbing some and taking them in their hands.


'Stockpiling food...there's no seasons underground, so the only explanation would be for storage or...' Her eye's slowly widened as they turned into a large cavern, where the smaller one plopped down and ate some of the worms, while the larger one sniffed around the den as if looking for intruders that have been there before.

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