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It was a cold and dark night there on Earth. The winds were calm despite it and a gentle yet chilling breeze flew through the streets. The women walking through them bundled up just a bit more than before and continued doing whatever they were doing just prior.

It was a peaceful night nonetheless.

?: Peace...will we ever make such a thing?

Red eyes opened up to gaze out of the window, merely resting on her throne as the time ticked by. Her connection to the planet was irrefutable, but she still felt it's wanting touch of said subject.

Goddess: We never made peace, and peace is a far and away dream of fools...


She breathed deep before standing up, her ridiculous stature being clear to all who enter the room. Her dark and very organic looking horns grew up and formed a natural crown to show her rightful rule over all Sirens.

She was far and away the tallest Siren alive, standing at 220 centimeters, or what the humans who once existed where her castle stands would use, nearly 7'3".

Her figure screamed excellence, her voice demanded respect. Her flesh, organic as all origin Sirens are, a pearly white and showing the truest marvels of what life is capable of.

 Her flesh, organic as all origin Sirens are, a pearly white and showing the truest marvels of what life is capable of

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She is perfection, she is a Goddess.

Goddess: Yet...what kind of blundering idiots would let that Cluster do that?

She raised her hand, pale white scales lined it and ended in perfect and dainty hands, beautifully soft and without blemish.

A hologram grew from the floor and revealed the cluster of Arbiter II: High Priestess Num. 63891. The five worlds that have caused quite a commotion in the foolish rebels who believe they can scrounge enough power to oppose her...a child's dream.

Goddess: Yet, a child's dream can lead to ambition for a change later in life...and I still don't have a clue of where those insurgents are hiding

She merely turned her eyes to one of the worlds, where she saw a short girl working inside a Siren laboratory.

Goddess: This one with that damnable Observer...

She watched as the girl worked on the terminal in front of her, checking through her data and experimenting with the tech behind her.

Goddess: A trivial matter that one is, allies to us or not she is a true Siren...we gain data and knowledge from you nonetheless

She went back to a more global view, pulling up a diagram of Purifier.

Goddess: You...are different. They used an experimental formula, and thus you were born from that shallow husk of a man

She sighed and dismissed the hologram, turning over to the window.

Goddess: Look how far we have come, and it's all thanks to the gracious efforts of my army. Legions of Production ships that can tear even the most well armed of civilizations down to their finest particles...and you squandered all of that in the name of "peace"

With her last line, she turned to a small table that had a glass dome covering it. Inside of it was a black wisdom cube that pulsed at constant intervals.

She walked over to the glass door and gently took the lid off, picking up the cube with her bare hand and staring at it.

Goddess: All this power under the hands of the Sirens, all these worlds that have been conquered, all of it could have been yours Magician...you just failed to see the bigger picture, what we were made for

The cube glowed a bit brighter for several seconds, before dimming and making Arbiter I growl.

Goddess: Of course you say that. We were made by those accursed fools who thought they could use us to win their wars...in the end, I'm glad you decided to end them

The cube glowed once more, making Arbiter I scoff.

Goddess: You always use to say that, no matter the excuse. "We have to show example, otherwise we risk repetition within our ranks"...well guess what? That failed, and I'm the result of that

She put the cube down, putting the glass dome back over it.

Goddess: Your visions of peace were never meant to be Magician. We were created with the strongest wills of humanity, and with those we shall continue our own goals instead of theirs

She put her hand out, a tear in reality formed that showed her a glimpse of the past, when man was young and still untainted by their sentient burdens.

Goddess: Look at them, picking at the scraps of meat like wild animals! This uncivilized behavior is what humans were born from, and what they will always be. They are savages and brutes that care only for themselves

The tear closed itself, and the cube shined once more. The shine was brief, but anger overtook Arbiter I, and she slammed her hand down on the glass dome, breaking through it and almost crushing the wisdom cube before she stopped.

Goddess: You...you always knew just how to press my buttons...never call me that name again, for I am Arbiter I: Goddess! I am not that wretched scum anymore!


She calmed herself, letting her powers do the repairing of the dome and sealing away the black wisdom cube once more.

Goddess: You truly think riling me up will end your sorry existence? I have large goals ahead of me, and I'll need you there while I do them

She turned away and walked back to her throne, sitting down and letting her power run wild and giving her connection to the world around her.

Goddess: A narrow minded whelp like you Magician would never understand what it means to be weak. Everyone loved you and everyone held you as a saint...oh am I happy I changed that

The cube glowed brightly once more, but Goddess only smirked in response.

Goddess: Tell me what you will, for there isn't much else you can do in there. The Siphons are collecting more power, and with it, more ships, for further expansion

She felt through the massive network of Sirens. Each and every world they have conquered across the multiverse all singing in praise and power to her.

Goddess: I would be a failure of a leader if I wished to keep my people contained wouldn't I? We must grow, until all corners of this desolate plane we call reality bends to our will


Goddess: Finally fallen silent? Good, I wish to sleep in peace after all

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