𝕂𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦

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So, this is an older chapter that I finally decided to publish. I don't know how good this fist part of the chapter will be, since it was written a few months ago, and I never finished it. But, either way, I hope you like it!

Also, I've been super stressed because of school, and I just need to write something that doesn't end too well for our protagonist.

| Ventriloquism |

"So, (Name), what do you think?" The blonde boy in front of you asked.

"Well, it looks nice!" You said. He had given you a necklace. It had a little lightning bolt, made of little yellow gems. You knew they were probably fake, you knew he wouldn't be able to afford that, but it was still a nice gesture.

"I thought you'd like it." He said, laughing a bit and looking down at the floor. "O-Oh! Also, I... I think I should admit this to you, (Name)..."

"What is it, Kaminari...?" You asked, confused.

"I... I th-think... I think I like you, (Name)." He said. You stood there, shocked, processing what he just told you.

"...You do?" You asked him.

"Yeah. For a while. Like, ever since I first saw you. I just... never really had the confidence. And since we might not see eachother for a while, with UA adding dorms and everything, I just thought I should tell you. I l-love you, (Name)." He stared at the floor, and twirled his hair with his finger. You ran up to him, and hugged him.

"You know what? I kinda like you too." You told him. You saw his face light up in excitement, and he returned the hug as hard as he could. Kaminari checked the time with his phone, and looked disappointed.

"Well that sucks. I gotta go... I dunno if I'm allowed to do this, but..." He kissed you on the cheek, and started to walk away, waving at you as he did so "Bye (Name)!"

"B-Bye, Kaminari! Good luck with the dorms!"

And then you were alone.

You put on the necklace that Kaminari had given you, and started to walk away. As you walked, you found yourself in an empty street.

You felt someone tap you on the shoulder. Looking behind you, you saw another blonde boy.

It was someone you... you didn't really know him per say, but you had met him before. A villainous person by the name of Katsuki Bakugou.

"Who was that." He asked.

"I don't know who you're talking about." You said.

"Don't play dumb with me. Who gave you that necklace?"

"Like I said, I don' t know who you're-" As you spoke, you were slammed into a wall. But then, to get away, you just slipped through said wall. You had a Quirk similar to a rising Hero named Lemillion, but yours was weaker. He could phase through anything, while you could only pass through walls. You knew that he would find you eventually if you just stayed in the building you found yourself in....

And so you ran.

You knew how dangerous that boy was, he had kidnapped a UA student. You didn't know why, all you knew was that he did. You also knew he'd killed someone before, which might have been why he wasn't allowed in UA, as he did that while in Middle School. You also knew how dangerous his Quirk was, being able to create explosions.

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