𝑲𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒊 𝑩𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒈𝒐𝒖

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Requested by: Falaffelgirl

Unfortunate news: I'm being sent to horny jail.

| Sadistic Bitch |

"Woah, (Y/N), where'd you get that epic fucking burn scar?!" Your friend asked you, referringto the very noticeable scar on your neck.

"Well I..." you looked across the room. He was staring at you. He drew his finger across his neck."You tell them, and I kill you."  You knew that was what he meant. "It's nothing, it's... not important..."

He smiled. Not a normal smile, in fact, you weren't even sure if he could smile normally.

Again, you knew exactly what he was telling you.

"Good job, you live another day."

You didn't have a mind reading Quirk (in fact, you didn't even have a Quirk), Bakugou was just that easy to predict.

You wished you had been like another one of your friends, coincidentally developing his Quirk right before entering high school.

Sadly, that couldn't happen.


Your friends will get curious about the multiple burn scars eventually.

The scars that seem to multiply every day.

The scars that will, if the cause is revealed, be the indirect cause of your death.


Death doesn't seem too bad right now, actually.

You sat at home watching a show, with nothing else to do.

There was suddenly a knock on your door.

Who could it be...?

You opened the door, and tou your surprise-

"Bakugou?? W-why are you here?"

"You know why."

"I don't, actually."

"Oh. Strange. You're going to let me inside though."

"N-no, I-" as you tried to tell him no, there was a look in his blood-red eyes. He knows how to kill you and make it look like an accident. You decided to not continue talking, and let him inside.

"I never thought I'd say this to someone like you." He said. He grabbed your left wrist, and your right shoulder. "But... I love you."

"Y-you what-?!"

"I know. You probably thought I was incapable of love, huh?" He asked sarcastically. "Plot twist! I'm not." He continued. "Either way..."

"You accept, don't you?"

"W-why would I accept?!" You asked. "You constantly bully me, you've used your explosions on me multiple times-"

"Well, one more scar won't hurt, huh?"

In the corner of your right eye, there was a flash of light, and incredibly loud noise.

You felt something start leaking out of your right ear, and there was a ringing that just wouldn't go away.

"I said you accept, right?"

"No!" You yelled.

Then, he started twisting your wrist as hard as he could, until...

You heard a crack.

"You. Accept. My. Confession... right?"

"A-alright, fine! I accept! Now let go!"

He let go of your wrist.

And then he kicked you in the chest.

You stumbled backwards into the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" You screamed.

"I don't know." He told you. "I admit though, I might like seeing you like that. On the verge of tears... in terrible pain... and totally in love with me."

"Oh, so you're a sadist." You said to yourself. "...great..." you continued, sarcastically.

"And now you're stuck with me."

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