𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑻𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊

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Requested by: miz_fortune

Hey guys, I don't have anything else to do, so I'm rewatchinh Brooklyn Nine Nine. Has anyone else seen that show?

| A Shapeshifter |

As you were walking through the forest, you hear someone crying.

"What the...?"

You walked through the forest, hearing it get louder, until you came across a boy stuck in a trap.

"I knew I wouldn't be able to be out here on my own..." he said to himself. "And now I'm gonna spend the rest of my days suspended 3 metres off the ground..." he said, starting to sob again.

"You ok?" You asked, looking up at him.

"AHH-! O-oh! Hello there, adventurer! I-if you don't mind, could you... um... c-could you maybe help me down...?" He cautiously asked you.

"I might. How much will you pay me?" You asked, half joking.

"U-um... does 500 Peices of Gold work for you...?"

"WH- FIVE HUNDRED?!" You asked. "I mean, I was kinda joking about being payed, but if you're offering 500..."

"C'mon, just please get me down from here! I-I'll even raise the payment if you want me to!" He told you.

"Yeah, I'm going..." You told him, grabbing a knife, and throwing it at the rope holding up the trap.

He fell to the ground in the net.

"Thank you so much!" He said to you.

"So, I need to ask something... how did you, a full grown human, get trapped in something meant for large animals...?" You asked him.

"Oh, w-well... it's... the thing is..." It was like he couldn't find the right words. "I'll just show you..." He fixed his hair, and then you saw his pointy ears.

"You're a shapeshifter." You spoke. He nodded. "Hm. So what's your name, shapeshifter?" You asked.

"It's.... m-my name is Tamaki."

"Tamaki, huh?" You asked. "Sounds... familiar... for some reason." You said.

"Oh! I-I don't know why it'd sound familiar!" He said frantically. "A-anyways, I introduced myself, w-what's your name?" He asked, presumably wanting to change the subject.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!" You exclaimed. "I'm a thief who isn't allowed to show my face anywhere in Karusun City!"

"Oh." Tamaki sounded disappointed. "I was going to ask if you could help me back home, but... I live in Karusun..."

"Oh Tamaki, all I said was that I'm not allowed to show my face there. I can still help you find your way back!" You said to him.

"Well, thanks..."

And so began your few days of travel with Tamaki.

"Eh Tamaki, you told me you'd pay me 500 Pieces of Gold, right?" You asked him. "I just wanna ask... where's the payment?"

"Oh, right, I'm sorry (Y/N)... I... didn't bring any money... it's all at home." He said sadly. "I'm really sorry..."


You started to have some suspicions about him.

One night, as the two of you were falling asleep by your campfire, you decided to confront him.

"Alright Tamaki, I think I know what you are." He looked nervous as you said that.

"W-what do you mean, know who I rally am...?"

"Come on. Fancy clothes, hiding your last name, living in the capital of the Kingdom, paying me 500 Pieces of Gold as if it were nothing..." you paused. "You're royalty, aren't you." You demanded. Tamaki sighed.

"Alright, you got me... I'm from a very wealthy family, (Y/N)." He admitted. "I... am Tamaki Amajiki. The oldest and only surviving child of the Amajiki family." He confessed to you.

"That's why the name Tamaki sounded familiar!" You said. "Tamaki, your family hates me!" You said, a mix of happy and nervous.

"Yes, I know. I was there when my Father announced that if you ever show your face in Karusun again he will kill you." Tamaki told you.

"Is that why you didn't tell me who you were?"

"No, I had completely forgotten who you were, I just recently realized that's who you were."

"So Tamaki, why'd you run away?" You asked him. "Is it a classic 'oh I just want to live a normal life as a normal boy!' scenario?"

"No, I..." he paused. "This is gonna sound pathetic, but... I wanted to... I wanted to fall in love with someone, (Y/N)..."

"And why'd you have to run away to do that?" You asked, tilting your head.

"Well, everyone in Karusun knows who I am. And since I'm the only surviving child of the family, my parents are both really protective of me. T-to the point where they'd kill anyone I'm in love with just to make sure I'm safe." He explained.


"And... given what I just said, I know it sounds terrible, and you'll say no, but... I think I love you, (Y/N)..."

"If you can convince your parents to allow me into the city, then yes. I'm fine with that."

"Oh! Great!" Tamaki said happily.

You two finally made your way to Karusun.

And you made your way into the mansion.

"Wooooooow." You said, looking around. Tamaki ran towards his parents, and they hugged each other. Then his Mother looked towards you.

"Ah, (Y/N). We assumed you were behind Tamaki's disappearance."


"(Y/N) (L/N), you are being arrested for multiple counts of thievery, and for kidnapping our son." His Father told you.

"What the fuck?! That's not fair! And I didn't kidnap Tamaki! I helped him get home safely!" You told him.

"You don't think we know how much you lie, (Y/N)?" His Mother asked you.

"H-hey! Don't do that! Mom, I decided to leave completely by myself!" Tamaki explained. "In fact, (Y/N)'s the reason I'm even here right now! She saved me! A-and I'm in love with her! Please don't-"

"Oh dear!" His Father said, concerned. "It seems he's developed some kind of Stockholm Syndrome for this kidnapping thief here."

"Ok, I've been accused of a lot of things, but never that." You said.

Some guards tried to arrest you, and that was when  Tamaki decided to show off his shapshifting.

And he killed the guards.

"Mom, Dad, please, I don't want to have to do that to you." He said. "I'm genuinely in love with (Y/N), and... I don't want to be without her. Please, don't arrest her... please don't execute her..."

They ignored him, and found themselves dead.

"(Y/N), let's run a better city than those two ever could." He offered.

"Ooh! Me in a position of athourity? That's gonna end terribly! I'm in!" You said excitedly.

"Great!" Tamaki exclaimed, runningnto you.

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