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| Valentine's Day P2 |

Nothing was right. It was like a crazy dream. But... it was way too real to be a dream. Everyone around you was dying, and you didn't know why.

"Hello, (Name)? Earth to (Name)! We still need you down here!" Someone said.

"Huh?!" You jumped. You looked at who said it. "Mina you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"I don't understand how, but ok." She told you crossing her arms.

"Why are you so calm about this?! Weren't you crying a second ago?" You asked her, on the verge of tears yourself.

"Huh? Oh! I-I guess I was! I can c-calm down really quickly! Yeah." You were too focused on the current situation to worry about what Mina was saying.

"Everyone, calm down!" Yaoyorozu announced. Everybody looked towards her. "I know things seem bleak, but we must stay calm."

"How are we supposed to stay calm whEN SOMETHING IS KILLING US??" Kaminari screamed.

"It is hard to stay calm... I know. In all honesty, I'm feeling pretty scared too. But we're Heroes, aren't we!? We HAVE to stay calm under situations like this!" She said.

"I mean... I guess you're right..." Kouda, of all people, spoke.

"Listen. I think we should split up, I know there's strength in numbers, but I personally think we should treat this as a training opportunity!" Yaoyorozu said confidently. "We'll go in groups of three, and one group of two." Everyone agreed with her, about the groups, and Yaoyorozu split you into groups. The groups she chose were:

You, Midoriya, and Uraraka

Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mina

Kouda, Satou, and Shouji

Jirou, Tokoyami, and Todoroki

And finally

Her and Bakugou.

Your group and Kami's group checked the upper levels, Kouda and Jirou's groups checked the basement, and Yaoyorozu monitored the middle level with Bakugou.

"Alright, if we're looking for whoever (Or whatever) is in here with us, I think we should check the dorm rooms." Midoriya told you.

"Great idea Deku!" Uraraka said.

"I don't know... I kinda think we should stick together..." Kirishima said, worriedly. "I mean, it is like Yaoyorozu said, there's strength in numbers..." Midoriya thought for a second, before coming to a conclusion

"Well, how about we check the rooms together!" He said, smiling.

As you looked through the rooms, there wasn't really anything too weird in any of them (Besides Mineta's room... oh god.)

While the six of you walked to the next room, you hear Mina scream. All of you turned around in surprise and shock, only to find Mina laying dead on the floor. The five of you knew it would feel wrong to just keep walking, but... you had to. You HAD to find what was doing that.

Then Kaminari. You heard him scream, you turned around, and he was dead too. The four of you kept walking, and reached Yaoyorozu's room. You opened the door, and the biggest, most confusing surprise was waiting for you.

"Wh... WH-WHAT THE HELL?!" Kirishima screamed.

You had found Yaoyorozu's corpse lying on the floor.

"This... t-this can't be real..." Uraraka stuttered.

"Isn't Yaoyorozu supposed to be downstairs?" You asked yourself.

"You're right (Name)...! We -" As Midoriya spoke, he was cut off by a loud shriek. You turned around, and saw Kirishima sitting on the floor, with a knife stuck in his throat. He was dead. You looked up, and saw... Yaoyorozu? She was holding multiple knives, and had an insane look on her face.


As she walked towards you, she seemed to melt away, revealing an entirely different person. She had blonde hair, yellow eyes, and sharp canine teeth.

"Izuku, Ochako, and (Name)! Three of my crushes in the same room! All mine for the taking!" She said "Why don't 'cha just come with me peacefully, hm?" She said sweetly.




There we go. That felt good to get out!

Either way, I hope you enjoyed this... "Special" 2 part!

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