𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔬 𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔦

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Requested by: bayakisa

I know I said Ghouto Eodoroki III was the finale, but...


| Desire To Feed |

An infection that gives someone the desire to kill people.

A desire to feed upon other people.

It completely takes over a human body.

Sounds kinda like a zombie, right?



That's right. Vampires.

That doesn't apply to you. You aren't infected, you're just a normal human.

You had adapted to this life. Only go out during the day, and if you have to go out at night, bring a stake!

And then, you were kidnapped by someone. Is that even legal...? Probably not. But the legality of the situation doesn't matter. What matters is that it happened.

"LET ME GO!" You screamed. "I'LL MURDER YOU! I'LL BITE YOU! I'M INFECTED, YOU KNOW?!" You tried to threaten them. A voice that came from outside the bag you were in then told you

"No you're not. If you were infected, you would've tried to bite me right away."

... it's true.

Well, you have no other threats. You aren't really the... strongest person, and you weren't actually infected, so...


You heard a door open, and the bag you were in was opened, and you were thrown into a dark room.

The door locked.

"Where the hell...?" You asked, looking around.

You gasped in fear as you looked at a pair of eyes in the darkness. You looked down at your legs, but saw you didn't have your stake (named Ms. Vampirekilla), meaning that man must've taken it off of you when he was carrying you here in that bag.

You heard heavy, desperately hungry breathing.

Some people can't bare to kill their own children or loved ones, even if they become infected. This is... probably what that is. That heavy breathing coming from those eyes in the darkness, is... a vampire.

You're going to die.

As it lunged at you, you raised your hands in front of your face, trying your hardest to protect your neck.

But he didn't try to kill you.

He just grabbed your arm, and bit into your wrist. He didn't try to get at your neck, he just sucked blood out of your wrist.

"Huh...?" You slowly asked, lowering your other arm to look at the vampire. "You... you're not trying to kill me...?" He let go of your arm for a moment, and you watched your blood drip down his face. He swallowed, and then turned to you.

"Obviously... I hate being treated like I'm... less than human. It's not like I wanted to get infected." And with that, he went back to sucking blood out of your wrist.

He just kept sucking the blood out of you.

It felt like you were getting your blood drawn, but they just wouldn't stop...

You bared with it, even though you were admittedly pretty light headed once he was finished.

"Hey, are you ok?" The vampire asked you. "I... I didn't kill you, right...?"

"No, I'm ok, I just... don't think I should stand up for a minute, I don't wanna pass out."

He stood up, and tugged on a string. A lightbulb turned on, illuminating the area at least a bit.

"Um, this is my attic." He said to you. "I've... kinda turned this into my own little apartment. Once I got infected, my dad just shut me in here so I wouldn't hurt anyone. I mean... it's a good precaution, and I definitely don't want to hurt anyone, but staying up here just feels... lonely."

"Oh. Sucks to be you, then."

"Dad brings me a live person every now and again, but I usually just let them escape, because I really just... don't want to kill anybody." He held his arms. "I don't want to take someone else's life for my own selfish gain. But I just didn't want to starve, which is why I decided to attack you."

"Ok, so when can I leave?" You asked.

"... you can't." He told you, sadly. "Believe me, I wish you could too, I don't want to kill you, but... my dad won't let you leave until you've been drained completely dry, or in other words, you'll be here until I kill you."

"Oh. Well, isn't that... isn't that lovely? That's... yeah, that's cool." You said, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm sorry you've been given this fate. But, while you're alive, I'll introduce myself. Shouto Todoroki." He said, placing his hand on his chest. "Youngest son of the Todoroki family, I was infected while my father was giving a speech about how this infection 'is nothing to worry about'. Kinda ironic, right?"

"Y-yeah, very." You awkwardly said. "Anyways, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm, uh... not too exiting. I kinda just exist."

"Hm... a simple introduction. I like that." Todoroki smiled. "I'll enjoy our time our time together while I'm feeding on you, (Y/N)."

"H u h ? I mean I know that is what you're doing, but... why phrase it like that?!"

"Because that's what I'm doing." Oh, how blunt. "Now, that wound looks bad. I have some cloth that may work as a temporary bandage." Todoroki turned around, and looked around his room. "Ah, there we are!"

He turned around, and wrapped the cloth around the bite mark on your wrist.

You went to sleep on a couch in the attic-room.

When you woke up, you noticed a bloody bite mark on your shoulder.

Todoroki was standing above you, looking terrified, blood all around his mouth.

"(Y/N)... you're awake. I'm... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... do that to you. I was tired, and I just couldn't restrain  myself, I..." he placed his hand on his mouth, and stumbled backwards, tears forming in his eyes. "I'm so sorry I did that...!"

"I know, desire to feed, or whatever. It's fine-"

"But I want more..." he laughed under his breath, it slowly becoming more crazed and demented as he grabbed his head. Todoroki smiled widely as tears rolled down his face. "I loved it so much... the taste, the texture, the feeling of it dripping down my throat... I just want to drain you of all your blood, (Y/N)..."

"That's fine." You said, moving the hair out of the way of your neck. "I don't care if I die."

"Oh... I won't kill you, no, I don't want to kill anyone." He positioned himself so he can bite at your neck. "I can't believe how weak I am... finally succumbing to this terrible desire... I make myself sick. Now close your eyes, (Y/N)... it'll feel better for me if you don't look at me."

You felt as he bit into you.

You felt as he kept biting, and sucking your blood out.

You survived that experience, just barely.

But... if this continues...

Whi's to say you'll survive his desires...?

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