𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕜𝕦 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕪𝕒

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I am releasing all of my anger.


| You'll Stay With Me |

Why was there a gun next to you?

It made you.. kind of nervous.

Did he want you to..?

No, he wouldn't want that.

Or maybe he did, and wanted to come in last minute and convince you not to.

Was that what he wanted?

He did love you.. right?

Or.. maybe you could shoot him!

You can escape!

Or maybe you should just leave it.

"Hey (Name), you ok?" He walked in the room, and sat on the bed beside you. Then, he noticed the gun beside you. "O-oh! You found that! I've.. I've been missing that for a while..!" He grabbed it, and then left the room. And you were alone, again.

This.. little bedroom. It was really nice, and comfy, and everything you'd expect a good bedroom be! Well, there was quite a bit of blood all over the room, but everything's fine! It's just that.. someone died in there. Killed with that same gun that was on the bed right beside you.

And you watched them die.

That's how you met him, Izuku. He loved you. You know he did. He told you he did, and he never lies to you.

Yeah, sure, you were a bit shocked and shocked when he shot your then boyfriend, but it's fine! He told you he was sorry, and that it was necessary, and there's not really any reason not to believe him..

And while he was still gone, you heard on knock on the door from the main room.

You got up from the bed, exited the bedroom, and looked at the door.

"(Name)? You still ok?" You heard from somewhere behind you. You didn't respond.

And so, you opened the door.

It was a man with red hair, in a strange costumes. There was also a woman with pink skin and pink hair. The one with red hair spoke to you

"Is your name (Name) (Last Name)?"

"Um.. y-yes. Who are you?" You asked. The pink lady spoke next.

"We're Heroes. Could you please come with us?" You stepped back, a bit frightened.. you didn't know if they were lying to you. They could be criminals, they could be trying to kidnap you!

"N-no! Why do I have to-"

"(Name), who's at the door?" They both looked shocked, and tried to get you to come with them. It was like they knew who he was. And then he came in the room. "Oh. Hello Kirishima. Hello Ashido."

"You think you can greet us with a casual 'hello' after we know you're a murderer?" The pink one asked.

"Calm down Mina, we have to be professional about this." Said the red haired one. Then, he looked at you. "(Name), I'm Red Riot, and this is Pinky. Now, if you could just come with us-"

There was a gunshot.

"Wow. Nice cheating, Deku. You didn't even let me finish my sentence?" Red Riot said, angrily. His forehead was bleeding slightly, but besides that, he seemed to have no injuries from the bullet.

"Ah, I see he told you my old nickname, huh?" Izuku sighed. "I told him.. I don't even know how long ago it was.. that I told him.. how much I h̨̨͉̮͘a̶͏̛̭͎̭̟t͏̬͚̺̻̗͜ͅé͈͙̭̫̕ that nickname." His voice was just.. so hateful. And there was another gunshot.

"Can you stop being a crazy serial killer for one second?" She sounded so sarcastic.. but at the same time, so serious.


"Don't listen to him, (Name).. you need to come back with us." Red Riot told you.

You were at a loss.

You didn't know who to listen to.

Should you go with someone who's never lied to you, but is being called a Serial Killer?

Or do you go with two random people you don't know who call themselves 'Heroes', but could be lying?

You didn't know..



Yes, this is a strange ending. But why does it end with no conclusion? Well..

I want you to choose. I want you to comment who you should go with.

I will come back a month later on my birthday, and publish the ending that people want the most.

I will publish both endings, but I want to see what ending people want first.

That's all, bye! :D

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