𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕪 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕒

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Requested by @lloll7777777lloll

| The Escape P2 |

"I should've listened to you two..." You told your older brother Tenya and your friend Tsuyu.

"You don't need to worry about that now, we're all just glad your safe..." Your brother said to you. Tsuyu hugged you, and said she had to go, but was so happy you were safe. She walked to the entrance of the mansion, waved goodbye, and exited.

For the first time in a while, you slept peacefully. You slept through the night, without any worry that a dragon would decide to kill you.

You woke up to Your Mother telling you that Tsuyu was downstairs. You got ready, and went to the main room. Tsuyu was cut up and bruised, and sitting down receiving care.

"What happened to you, Tsu?" You asked her, very concerned. Tsuyu explained that a boy with large horns and wings had come up to her while she was getting herbs and fresh river water for her potions, and started asking her questions. 

She had run from him after he had started attacking her, and she was able to make her way back to town. You knew who she was talking about the moment she described him. Kirishima.

The door opened, almost if by itself. Standing in the doorway, was a boy wearing a large hooded cloak. He spoke in a nervous voice, that you swore you knew.

"Uh... is this the right place? I-I'm looking for someone named (Name) Iida... if this is the right place, is she here?" You spoke up, saying

"Yeah, this is the right place. Who are you?" You asked him.

"That doesn't matter! I just need to know if she's here!" He told you.

"Uh, yeah... I'm her..." You responded hesitantly.

"Good...." He grabbed you by the wrist, and started pulling you away.

"H-hey-! What are you doing?" You asked him, starting to get concerned for your own safety.

"We're going back, (Name)." He said. As you realized who it was, his hood blew off as if fate itself blew it away. His red hair blew in wind, and you saw a familiar scar on his face.

You would be his.




Goddamn school started for me again.

In good news, I might be fluent in a second language soon!

[EDIT: Heyyyyyy. So, I had taken this down a while ago, since I thought it wasn't good. But, you know what? Fuck it. Uploading it again boiis!]

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