𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕜𝕦 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕪𝕒

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| You'll Stay With Me |



You walked towards the supposed Heroes.

"(NAME). TURN AROUND. NOW." Despite how scared you were, you didn't listen to him.

And then there was a loud 'BANG' sound.

As you screamed out in pain, and fell to the ground, you started to realise what had happened. The one person who truly loved you.. the only person who never lied to you..

Had just shot you in the back of the knee.

Then, there was another bang.

This time, it was the shoulder.

Izuku lifted you up, and you felt something metal positioned on the back of your head.

"If I can't have her.." You heard a 'click' from the thing positioned on the back of your head. "Then nobody can. I'm the only one who deserves her. So, 'Heroes', if you don't let (Name) and I live our peaceful life, then I'll shoot her dead!" Izuku said happily.


He was just trying to protect you.. right?

"Ok.. Deku, just.. calm down, and I'm sure-"

"YOU SHUT UP! I'M DONE NEGOTIATING WITH PEOPLE!" You had never heard him like this before. Well, you had, but that was when you first met him.. Izuku sighed, and started talking again. "I've never really liked negotiating with people. I did it once, with him. We agreed that he'd get to be the Hero, and I'd get to be his sidekick." He laughed a bit. "That fell apart as soon as he found out.."

There was a nervous silence. Neither of the Heroes knew what to do. They needed to save you, but how were they supposed to do that when your captor was threatening  to shoot you in the back of the head?

"Ok.. is there anything we can do to make you not shoot her..?" Red Riot asked cautiously.

"Well.. there is one thing.. you can let us live our goddamn life." Izuku responded angrily.

There was silence.

Nobody said anything, nobody knew what to say..

But that silence was broken by the sound of the window behind you shattering.

And someone had slid in through the broken window.

You saw the gun Izuku was holding fly out of his hand, as he was kicked in the back of the head by the person who flew in through the window. You fell back down to your knees, and looked up at the person who had come in through the window.

He was very tall, with silver hair, and a.. minimal costume.

"Tetsutetsu! Thank god you're here!" Pinky said, sounding relieved.

"What the hell did you get yourselves into?" The silver-haired one asked.

The four of you had gotten outside, and were in the process of calling an ambulance, when you suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind you.

"I.. m-meant.. what.. I.. said.. (Name).."

Before you could even realise what was going on, you heard a gunshot, and there was an extreme pain in your chest. You put your hand where the pain was centred and when you pulled your hand off of it, there was a large-ish red stain on your hand.

Izuku was knocked out almost immediately by Red Riot.

And around that same time.. your consciousness started to fade.

Everything was starting to get blurry, and all the sounds seemed to blend together.

And then..

And then..

You blacked out.

Eventually, you woke up.

Nobody thought you would, but you did.

You didn't know where you were, but it looked like a Hospital room.

You'd have to adjust to living a normal life again, but it was ok, because







Hope this was worth the wait lol

Because I don't know if it's that good..

By the way, I fucked up! Not during writing, but this morning. I woke up at 12am, but I THOUGHT it was 12pm. I woke up at midnight thinking it was noon. God I'm an  idiot.

Oh! And also..


It's my birthday today!

I'm gonna post the second ending (Where you stay with Izuku) at midnight tonight. Midnight for me, at least. My Timezone is EST (Eastern Standard Time), so I'll let you figure out what time it'll be published where you live.

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