𝒴𝓊𝑔𝒶 𝒜𝑜𝓎𝒶𝓂𝒶

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Requested by i_like_midoriya

I'm watching Sailor Moon (my Aunt recommended it to me since she knows I like anime and she watched it as a kid) and ngl at all, the episodes where Nephrite and Zoisite died actually made me cry.

(Also maybe a bit of a fun fact: I thought Sailor Jupiter's voice sounded familiar,  looked it up, turns out she's voiced by the same person who voices Junko Enoshima and Toko Fukawa)

On another note, have any of you ever had a Nanaimo Bar? They're fucking amazing!

| Parfaite |

You wanted to look perfect.

No matter what you did, nothing helped.

You could never make yourself look perfect.

So, you went to someone that you knew would be able to.


"Yes mon chéri?" He responded, turning around curiously.

"I... I want you to... I need you to make me look perfect." You told him, not knowing what else to do.

"Oh, (Y/N)... you already look perfect mon amour!" He reassured you.

"I don't though!" You yelled. You wiped your face with your arm, before telling him "Close the curtains, please..."

Aoyama walked over to the windows, and shut all the curtains.

"I want you to listen to me, Aoyama... do whatever I tell you to... use whatever you need to." You told him. He looked confused, as you sat down in a chair.

"I want you to make sure I never frown." You said. Aoyama looked worried, like he didn't want to do it, before sighing, leaving the room, and returning with two safety pins.

"Smile for me, chérie?" He asked. You did as he told, as he stabbed one of the safety pins into your left cheek, fiddling with it, so the left side of your face would keep smiling even if you stopped. He then stabbed another one of the safety pins into your right cheek. You strained to get the words out, but then told him

"Cut my fingers off..." You weren't even consciously saying it, you were just... mindlessly talking at this point. Aoyama looked shocked, stuttered for a second, before gathering himself, and running into the kitchen.

He returned with the largest knife the two of you kept in the house. You placed your hands on the table in front of you.

"I can't believe I'm doing this to you, (Y/N)..." Aoyama said, gripping the knife tightly. He gulped, before placing the knife on your fingers, and applying pressure.

You sucked in air through your teeth as the knife cut the fingers on your right hand. He did it with your left hand as well.

An hour passed as you continued telling him what to do, until you finished.

You walked over to the mirror, leaving a path of blood as you did so.

"Aoyama..." you said. "I want you to cut my eyes out." You looked perfect, but every moment you looked at your reflection, you felt less and less perfect.

"No, (Y/N), I won't." He said firmly. Tears started spilling out of the eyes you had wanted removed, as you told him

"T-take the safety pins out... a-and take me to the back garden." You said weakly. Aoyama obliged, taking the safety pins out of your face, picking you up, and carrying you into the backyard.

The two of you had planted a beautiful flower garden together last summer. If you were going to die, which you safely assumed you were, you wanted to in the flower garden.

"Thank you, Aoyama..." You told him. "You know the very back of the garden, the spot where we didn't plant anything...?" You asked.

"Of course I do.... we were going to plant a lilac bush there." Aoyama told you, starting to cry, himself.

"I want you to bury me there... and then, once it's summer again, plant the lilac on top of me. Don't let anyone find out what happened today..." You told him.

"R-right..." He said, placing his hand on your face. His tears fell down on your face, as you said

"Thank you... for everything... Aoyama..."

Before you drew your final breath.

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