𝒯𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓀𝒾 𝒜𝓂𝒶𝒿𝒾𝓀𝒾

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Requested by MirandaWinterbourne

I'm going to fail History. I'm doing the best I fucking can in this class and the best mark I have is a 7.5 out of 15...

Also, this chapter is where I finally switch to Y/N instead of just writing (Name).

| Wish |

You were watching a show called My Hero Academia.

You were steadily making your way through season 4, and you had maybe sorta kind of developed a crush on a character named Tamaki Amajiki.

You sighed to yourself, being forced to realize that Tamaki isn't real, and he never will be.

You glanced out your bedroom window at the night sky, and looked at the stars.

You paused the show, and positioned yourself to be looking out the window, with your hands on the windowsil.

This was a stupid idea, it would never work, but you tried it anyways.

At just the right time you saw a shooting star. You squeezed your eyes shut, and in your head, you said

"I wish Tamaki Amajiki was real! At least for tonight..."

And then you opened your eyes.

Nothing had changed.

You sighed. You knew that it wouldn't work, but in your head, you'd hoped it would.

Slightly disappointed that it didn't work (even though you knew it wouldn't), you sat back down on your bed, and unpaused the show.

You were watching the episode Suneater of the Big Three, and as you watched Tamaki fight, you said to yourself

"I wish my wish had actually worked..." You knew that was a stupid thing to say...


Your parents were out for the night, and wouldn't be back until morning...

You didn't have any pets...

None of your friends told you they'd be coming over...


What was that noise downstairs...?

Worried, you walked over to your closet, opening it up to grab the baseball bat you kept in there, just in case.

You walked out of your room, making your way down the stairs, ready for whatever you'd have to do, but then...

"Wh-what the-!?" You said in shock.

There was a boy with pointy ears and navy blue hair, sitting on your floor.

It was Tamaki Amajiki, the boy you wished were real.

He was looking around frantically, like everything was new to him.

"Holy shit there's an anime boy in my house." You said to yourself.

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