𝐻𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶 𝒮𝑒𝓇𝑜

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Requested by CrasiestGirl19

Alright, Sero's a piano player in this, just because. And, there's gonna be a piano song played later in the chapter, so if you've never heard The Flea Waltz (or Der Flohwalzer), this is what it sounds like

*Cue the DR fans all having war flashbacks*

| Der Flohwalzer |

"Sero!" You yelled at the boy practicing on the stage. In surprise, he messed up the song he was playing, placed his hand on his chest, and turned to look at you.

"Oh, hi (Y/N)!" He said, breathing heavily. "You nearly gave me a heart attack..." He told you, a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

"That's what friends are for, right?" You asked, a smiling stupidly and squinting your eyes, your face basically looking like that knife cat meme.

Not knowing what else to do, Sero was just continuously tapping one of the keys.

"Hey (Y/N)..." He suddenly said. "You... you like me, right...?" He asked, looking slightly embarrassed with a bit of a blush on his face.

"Of course I like you!" You told him with confidence. "You're such a wonderful friend, and you've done so much for me! I mean, you're the reason I met my girlfriend!"

"You... you have a girlfriend...?" He asked.

"Yeah, you know, your friend Mina? You introduced me to her last year, and we started dating a few months back!" You told him, excitedly.

"Oh." He said, sounding a bit... almost disappointed. "Well... In that case, I'm really happy for you, (Y/N)." He told you, a sad smile on his face as he turned his head back to his piano.

"You're preforming here at midnight, right?" You asked. Sero looked shocked, as he told you

"W-well, yeah."

"Good!" You said happily. "In that case, I'll get Mina and I some tickets!" He laughed quietly.

"That'd make me happy, (Y/N)... I can't wait to see the two of you later!"

The two of you walked to the theatre in the rain.

Neither of you were prepared for it to rain, there was nothing about rain in the forecast, so now, the two of you were soaking wet.

Sero preformed many songs, but the only one you knew the name of was The Flea Waltz, which was also the song he had been practicing earlier.

Once he was done, and almost everyone had left, you said to him

"That was really good!"

"Ah, thanks..." Sero responded, turning his head the other way to hide his blush.

One morning, as you were still in your pajamas, you sleepily checked your mailbox.

Under all the newspaper, there was a small cassette tape.

There was a label on it, which read For (Y/N) - Important.

You were confused, but you (quite luckily) had a radio that could play cassette tapes, so you put it in there, and started listening.

"This is recording, right? Ok, good." It was a voice you recognized well; Sero's voice. He sighed. "Hey (Y/N)! This is Sero, though you could probably tell from my voice..." He laughed. "(Y/N), you deserve to know... I've loved you for a very long time, but, in the end... I'm happy you ended up with Mina." You were confused, so you continued listening to it. "I need to tell you, I've been having terrible thoughts since you told me about your relationship. Thoughts that I'm quite scared of, because I think... I'm scared of actually committing to those thoughts. Ever since you told me you were dating Mina, some kind of... intense jealousy. An extremely terrible feeling of jealousy. It almost hurt to even think of you with someone else... and I hate to admit it, but... I actually wanted to kill Mina."

He wanted to... what!?

"But I just can't bring myself to do it, because I know how terribly sad it'd make you. But no matter what I do, this jealousy just won't go away! And... I'm scared... I'm scared that my will to not kill her... will break. So that's why I've decided... this is the last song I'll ever preform!"

He played a lovely song on his piano. Every time you thought it was ending, it'd start up again, but even so... it was beautiful. Once it was done, you heard him sigh.

"(Y/N), I wish the best for you with your relationship with Mina. And, please... make sure the two of you love each other forever... make sure you have the happiest relationship you can...!" You heard his voice break as he spoke, and you could practically hear the sadness in his voice. "I'm doing this for both of you, so you make sure you do that for me. By the time you get this recording, I'm... most likely dead, so... goodbye (Y/N), goodbye Mina."

You heard a click, before the tape came to an end.

That click only sounded like one thing... a gun.

Terrified, you got in your car, and drove your way to Sero's house.

There's no way he was telling you the truth, right?!

You can't accept that!

You parked in the driveway, and in a panicked state, knocked on the door.

You waited for five minutes with no answer, before you opened the door.

It wasn't locked.


You looked at the couch, and there you saw Sero's body.

He was smiling, and...

There was a bullet wound in his forehead.

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