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Requested by: thisismylifetellmey

You ever just not want to tell people about your problems because you're worried they'll think you're trying to guilt-trip them and they'll lose all respect for you and never want to speak with you again?

| You're Safe Now |

Eijiro Kirishima was a singer, known to people only by his stage name; Red Riot.

You were his bodyguard.

It was secret to everyone, but you two were dating.

"Hey (Y/N), have I ever told you that I wanted to be a Hero when I was younger?" He asked you.

"You did? How young?"

"Well, basically my entire childhood." Kirishima told you. "I had wanted to be a Hero my entire life... until I was fourteen."

"So what made you decide you didn't want to be?" You asked, curiously.

"Well, I almost died, was in a month long coma, and now have to live with short-term memory loss." He said. Well, that wasn't what you expected.

"What the hell happened that caused that?" You continued asking.

"I saw two girls being threatened by a villain, and I wanted to help, so I rushed in to try to save hem." He explained. "Just when I did, the villain apparently had enough of waiting, and... destoryed part of the building behind us. I... don't know what happened after that. When I woke up, a month had passed, and I was in a hospital bed." He took a second to wipe his eyes before he continued talking. "The doctors told me that there was a huge chance that I'd never be able to walk again. But I sure showed them! When I got better, I could walk perfectly!" He announced, standing up and placing his hands on his hips.

"Woah." You said. He... went through that? And just never told you? "So what made you pursue a music career?" You asked.

"I... god, I actually can't remember!" Kiri told you, laughing. "I'm pretty sure my thoughts were along the lines of, like, if I become a celebrity, I'll be able to influence people's choices in a positive way, or something like that."

"Well, maybe it was a good thing that you gave up on being a Hero." You said, shrugging. "No, that's not what I meant-" You said to yourself. "Sorry if that sounded mean, I was trying to say something positive, but that just sounded rude as fuck..."

"It's fine babe." He told you.

Kirishima got into trouble a lot.

Like, not trouble as in "saying the wrong thing and getting cancelled on Twitter", no...

Trouble as in "almost dying"

It's like he was a danger magnet.

There was a time where you were shot because, for whatever reason, someone was allowed to bring a gun to a concert, and tried to kill him.

Your quirk came in handy then. You can basically sense when something dangerous is about to happen.

Kirishima visited you every day while you were recovering in the hospital.

There was another time when he was held hostage, and the ransom video was just a mess...

They though it'd be a good idea to not reveal their identities by having Kirishima give the message.

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