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Important announcement!!

Ok, so I'm a little ✨𝓤𝓷𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭✨ rn. There will not be an update for a while. And I actually mean that this time. So, I'm gonna take a lil break hope you understand!

(I wrote this a few days ago, so, seeing as I'm going on a break, I thought I might as well post it)

| Perfect |

Class 1-A had been getting some new students recently.

The reason for all the recent transfers was... tragic, actually.

Five of the students in the class had died.

But you, and the other two students being brought to 1-A, Hitoshi Shinsou and Tenki Imanatsu, were still excited, regardless of whether you knew or not.

It's like... the opposite of that one saying, one man's trash is another man's treasure... what would the opposite be? One man's hope is another's despair? No, no... that sounds too much like something that'd be said in a strange murder mystery visual novel. Maybe one man's success is another's tragedy? However you say it, it was like that.

The class was... more boring than you'd hoped.

Strangely, you noticed an empty seat in front of you.

Halfway through the class, someone opened the door.

It was someone you knew well from how... angry he was all the time.

Though he seemed... different, somehow.

"Am I late?" He asked, his expression and tone not changing.

"...yes, I thought that'd be obvious, it's 9:30am,  and class starts at 8."

"Hm. My bad. It was... hard for  me to get out of bed this morning." He continued, walking into the room, and taking the seat in front of you.

You tapped him on the shoulder, instantly knowing exactly what was going through his mind right now. That was what you could do. As long as you touch someone, you can read their mind. Kinda useless for a Hero, so you didn't know why they decided to transfer you, of all people.

"Hey, are you feeling alright?" You asked him.

"Yes, I'm fine." He told you. "Now stop touching me."

You should talk to him later. After school, maybe?

So, after school, you tried to do just that.

But suddenly, one of your friends grabbed your shoulder.

"Hey, (Y/N), Imanatsu has a TV in his dorm, and we were gonna watch that new show... um... How To Kill A Hero, I think" Shinsou told you. "That's what it's called, right Imanatsu?"


"So we were wondering... do you wanna watch it with us?" Shinsou asked.

"Sorry, I'm... busy." You regretfully told him. "Maybe some other time?"

Shinsou looked slightly annoyed.

"Why. Why are you busy, (Y/N)? You shouldn't be busy right now." Shinsou told you. He'd been like this as long as you'd known him. Very... um... how do you say this in a nice way? Overprotective? Yes, that's it. Shinsou's always been very... overprotective of you.

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