𝕂𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦

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This is an older chapter that I finally decided to publish.

| Mistake |


Everything about what you were doing right now was a mistake.

Essentially, you had 2 options.

Either, 1: Stay with someone who kidnapped you, broke your ankle out of anger, has training that's almost on-par with the military, and can literally make explosions..

Or, 2: Run away.

And you decided to choose option 2.

And you know what?

As it turns out, that might have been a bad idea!

As you tried your best to run, you heard screaming and explosions far behind you. You did have a running start, as you left before he was even awake, but you probably had the disadvantage. You didn't even know where you were! It looked like you were in a forest, and from what you could see, it looked like there was a road up ahead.

Well, that was a good sign, seeing a road up ahead! You just had to make it a bit farther, and everything would be fine! ..Right? Because once you got to the road, you can just walk until someone finds you! Like, the police, or someone driving by! You were sure that even if they didn't know you, they'd see you walking, clearly injured, and let you in their car with them! So, you'll be fine! You'll be safe! You'll be-

"Looks like I caught up with you, huh?"

Oh god.

You turned your head as fast as you could, even though you knew exactly who it was. You turned back around, and tried your best to run, but 'conveniently' you tripped almost immediately. Your body collided with the ground, and you knew that there was no hope any more.

Bakugou picked you up, carrying you similar to the was that a groom would hold his bride, and started carrying you back to the place you had worked so hard to get away from. It was a house not unlike the one you grew up in.

The House was kind of nice, and there was always food when you needed it, so at least this man wasn't just.. letting you starve. You were very tired, but you refused to fall asleep, even though it.. it.. it kind of felt nice when he carried you. And he always treated you nicely if you did what he wanted..

But that's not what you're really thinking.. right? You weren't actually starting to like him.. right? Of course not! There's no way! Because he's.. i-insane. As all these thoughts rushed through your head, you were back at the house before you knew it.

He placed you down on a couch, and went to go close the door. And, talking to you from the front door, he asked you a question.

"So, (Name), why'd you do that?" He asked.

"Oh! I.." You paused. You didn't know what to say. You didn't know what you could say that.. wouldn't make him angry. "I don't really know. I just.. did it." You said.

"Yeah, sure." He replied sarcastically. He walked back to the room you were sitting in, lifted up your legs, and sat down on the couch, your legs now resting in his lap. "Now.. you wanna tell me the real reason you tried to run?"

"I.." It was like you couldn't talk. There was nothing you could say that wouldn't end badly. "I got s-scared." You said.

"Eh? What do you mean 'Scared'? What were you scared of, (Name)..?" He asked you, pretending he didn't know.

"Well.." There was a pause. "Y-you." You said, quietly.

"Really? You were scared of me? Someone who just wants to protect you from all the terrible people out there?" You nodded, hesitantly. He lifted up your leg with the broken ankle. "What, is it because of this?"

"H-Hey, be careful! That hurts-" And at that moment, you screamed out in pain. The tears stained your face as you tried to spit out a sentence, but you just couldn't. It just hurt too much.


That snapped you back to your senses.

You don't love him.

There's no way you'll ever love him.

But with no way to call for help...

Maybe lying is the best option.

And if you do...

Maybe that lie will end up becoming the truth.

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