ℍ𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕠𝕦

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Ok so the picture has NOTHING to do with the chapter, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, and I want you to suffer with me.

Alright, onto the chapter

| Truth or Dare P2 |


You weren't in Prison, but you might as well have been.

That would probably have been better than your current situation.

You were just sitting there, inside of yourself.

Nothing to do except think.

"So, (Name), do you like the book I got you?" Shinsou asked you. You didn't respond, you couldn't respond, not genuinely. Though, you did dryly mutter

"Yeah." But it wasn't you responding. It was Shinsou making you respond with his Quirk, Brainwashing.

"That's great!" He said happily. None of your classmates realised anything. Some of them were a bit suspicious of your sudden personality change, but besides that, nobody did anything. Unlike what Shinsou promised you, he never let you out of his control. Sure, you got good grades now, but.. did it matter anymore?

Not really..

And, in reality, you didn't even like the book he got you. It was boring as all hell.

"Hey (Name)!" You heard an energetic voice call out. It was your friend, Hagakure. "Ojiro and I were about to go to the movies. You and Shinsou wanna come?" She asked happily.

"Yeah sounds cool." Shinsou said to her. "I bet (Name) would like it. Right (Name)?" He asked you.

"Yes." You dryly said.

"Nice! Let's go!" Hagakure exclaimed. So, the four of you walked out of the dorms, and headed to the movie theatre.

Just as all of you were about to enter the theatre, Ojiro hit you with his tail on accident.

"O-oh, sorry (Name)..!" He  said to you apologetically.


You could move again.

And it wasn't because Shinsou commanded you to do so.

You could genuinely move again

You could control yourself again.

So, you kicked Shinsou in the stomach, and stumbled backwards into Ojiro and Hagakure.

"WHAT THE HELL (NAME)?!" Shinsou blurted out in surprise.

"H-huh?" Hagakure didn't know what was going on. "(Name), what are you-"

"He was controlling me!" You told her. "For the past FIVE MONTHS I haven't been able to do anything!"

"(Name), why are you lying to them?" He asked you. You knew what he was doing. He was trying to get you back under his control. "(Name), answer me. Why are you lying." He angrily demanded.

You stood there, still not responding to him. You knew better now.

"I SAID ANSWER ME!" Shinsou yelled.

And he slapped you across the face.

You were shocked.

Did he... really just do that?

"H-hey, what's the meaning of this?" Hagakure asked in surprise.

"(Name), I won't try to control you anymore. Just walk back to me, and we can just watch the movie." He said to you. "Does that sound good?" It was then that you made a terrible mistake.

"No! I'm not going to-" It happened again. You started walking towards him.

"Sorry guys, I don't know what came over her!" Shinsou started saying. Hagakure awkwardly laughed.

"Y-yeah, kinda weird... a-anyways, how about we watch the movie now...!" She said nervously.

Will there ever be a happy ending for you?

Even when you graduate high school, there's still a possibility.

That he'll never let you go.

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