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This idea came to me while I was out on a walk.

I saw someone following me (they probably weren't following me, and just going the same direction as me), and a bunch of ideas came to me.

I was so scared, and I... don't know why.

Alright, on we go!

| The Chase |

You ran through the park, pure terror being the only emotion you could feel.

"GET BACK HERE (Y/N)!!" The man behind you screamed.

You felt as if you were about to collapse, but a sudden rush of adrenaline allowed you to persevere.

Finding yourself in the city, you faceplanted onto the cement sidewalk, but got up as fast as you could.

You continued running as your nose bled.

You CAN'T let him catch up with you.

If you do, you're done.

You suddenly ran up to a house, and knocked on it as hard as you could. As well as knocking, you rang the doorbell a bunch of times.

You turned the other way, and looked out at the nighttime street. Panic filled your mind, and you rang the doorbell more.

What if they didn't hear you?

What if they were sleeping?

You're done for!

Suddenly, the door opened, and you fell backwards into the person's house.

"Huh? W-what's going on?" They asked.

"P-please!" You said, from the floor. You looked up at the person as you kept talking. "Please let me inside! I know there's no reason to, but just... please!" You frantically said.

"H-hey, calm down..." They said to you.

"COME BACK TO ME NOW!!" The man who was chasing you screamed. Suddenly, the person looked nervous, and pulled you inside the house, closing and locking the door.

"Are you ok?" They cautiously asked you.

In your exhaustion, your vision blurred.

And you suddenly passed out.

When you woke up, you were on a couch, and there was a kind looking green haired man looking at you.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked. "You haven't woken up since last night... I was starting to get worried. You were shaking and screaming in your sleep..."

"I... I-I'm ok." You told him. "And... thank you, for letting me inside last night."

"Yeah, of course! It seemed like you needed somewhere safe to say." He told you. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You told him. "And you?"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. Or, as I'm better known as, Deku." He introduced himself.

"R-really...?" You asked. "So you're... a Hero...?" He happily nodded. "I-I feel so selfish for taking time out of your day, you're probably so busy, I s-should leave..." You said, sadly.

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