𝔈𝔦𝔧𝔦𝔯𝔬 𝔎𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔪𝔞

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I present to you: the poster for Vampire Cannibal Murder Island!

I'm back! And, I thought, to lighten the mood a bit, I'd do this.

Currently vibing to Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, so yeah, I really am just reverting into my 12 year old self, I guess.

Also, hey, quick question! What do you think would happen if Kirishima bit his tongue? Would he bite it off? Would he just be in excruciating pain? Would he have to go to the hospital? Would he just harden it out of instinct?Can he harden it? I've had this question for a while...

(Btw, um... there might be some... how do you say... "unholy" content in this. It's not technically smut, I don't think, but... I dunno, if you don't like things that even mention possibly sexual content... don't read this one. I really really don't know what came over me, I'm really sorry...)

| Vampire Cannibal Murder Island P2 |

"(N/N)... you can trust me, can't you~?"   As you looked him in the eyes, you didn't know what to think. He isn't like this... not normally.

It's clear...

Kirishima wants something from you.

"I can... trust you...?"

"Of course you can. Why wouldn't you?" He asked. He moved closer to you. You moved back. That kept going until you were against a wall.

One of Kirishima's hands slipped behind you, gripping your waist. His other hand moved up, grabbing the back of your neck. You felt his warm breath on your face as he was so close to you, your noses were almost touching.

He hardened one of his fingers, digging it into your skin. A he did, you felt a strange tingle in your spine as a warm liquid dripped down the back of your neck. Your legs tensed up, and your head scrunched into your neck as he took his finger out of the small puncture wound he made, unhardening his finger, and dragging it in a circular pattern around the puncture.

Kirishima started whispering in your ear.

"Oh, (N/N)~" he took a sharp breath in, and moaned slightly as he breathed out. A  chill was sent throughout your body heard that moan. "Ah, did you like that~?"

"I-I... I... I don't..."

"Oh? Did I... break you...?" He breathed out, laughing slightly. You felt his breath in your ear... it felt so... strange... Kirishima tightly gripped the back of your neck. "If an electronic breaks, you may just have to reset it... so... maybe you're the same~? If you'd allow me to, I may know how to help... I won't do it unless you want me to, just so you know."

"Wait, huh?" You felt a bit confused, and turned to Kirishima. "Kirishima, that... kinda took me out of the moment." You told him.

"Yeah, but-" he sighed angrily. "I'm not gonna do this unless you tell me I can. Real men ask for consent, and I'm a real man. I know you said you were fine with me doing whatever, but I don't care! I won't continue unless you tell me I can!"

"Yes, you can do whatever you want, ok?" You sighed. At least he's respectful, but... you had really wanted to be sexily (is that even a word??) surprised, and already agreed.

"Alright, back to what we were doing before!" His tone shifted instantly after that. Changing from the normal respectable man he usually is, back to how he was acting before. "Alright... let's see if this works..."

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