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Requested by HashimotoHashi1

You know how in the last chapter I said the update "might be useless" because I might come up with more ideas? Yeah.

(Also, in this one you're also in one of the general studies classes. Just in case you were wondering.)

| Favour |

"Have you heard about him?"

"That boy from general studies..."

"He can make anyone do what he wants."

"It's a shame he lost in the Sports Festival."

"Yeah, brainwashing would be really useful as a Hero!"

That was how you found out about him.

A boy who can brainwash people with a simple question.

"Who are you talking about?" You asked the group.

"That guy from the Sports Festival!" A girl with tusks told you. "The one with purple hair!"

"Did you see his fight with that boy from 1-A?" A boy with cat ears asked excitedly. "It was awesome!"

"I know, I was there." You told him. "Do you know his name?"

"Hitoshi Shinosu." A boy with antennae informed you.

"Oh, do you know what class he's in?"

"I'm pretty sure he was in 1-C..." Someone who looked like a bear told you. "Could be wrong though." They continued, shrugging.

So, you tried to find him.

You were able to eventually.

"Excuse me..." you said, tapping his shoulder. "You're Hitoshi Shinsou, right?" You asked him. He turned around.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Listen, Shinsou... I don't know if you're up to it, but... I need a favour."

"You do?" He asked. Shinsou looked around the room, making sure no one was listening. "Go ahead. What do you need?"

"Well... c-could you... I know you can make people do things, so I was wondering... could you make my classmates refer to me as 'they' instead of 'her'?" You quietly asked.

"Hm..." Shinsou put his finger to his lip. "I don't know if I can do that, but I can definitely try."

"Thank you!"

"Hey, what's your name?" Shinsou asked you.

"It's (Y/N)."

"Alright, (Y/N). If I do this for you, you have to promise me something. Whenever I need a favour, you'll do it, no questions asked." He told you. You nodded. "Good. I'll get to it as soon as I can, I just need to get something first."

Thus marks the day you essentially sold your soul to Shinsou.

Months after he helped you, he approached you.

"Hey (Y/N), I need a favour." He told you.

"Oh yeah? What is it, Shinsou?" You asked.

"You remember how you told me you'd help me, no questions asked?" You nodded. "Good." He then whispered to you...

"I need help hiding a body."

"R... right. I c-can help you."

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

Shinsou brought you to his place after school.

And then was when you saw the body. The skin was starting to bloat, and you could smell that putrid dead body smell, so they've been dead a while.

You were able to recognize who it was.

One of your classmates, Midasina Miawa, hadn't answered Shinsou's question, and recently, has been staying home sick.

Apparently she wasn't sick. She was dead.

"You can lift things with your mind, right (Y/N)?" Shinsou asked you.

"Yeah... I can do that..."

"Nice." He said, making the 'ok' symbol with his hand. "The only reason I need your help is because I don't want to touch it. All we need to do is throw it in the lake, and we'll be done."


You focused as hard as you could on the body, and it started to float.

"Alright, let's get going."

With a loud splash, it was done.

"Thanks (Y/N)." Shinsou said to you.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, why'd you even need to hide a dead body...?" You asked.

"You said no questions asked, remember?" Shinsou asked you. "But I guess I'll tell you. She was the only one who didn't answer my question. She kept calling you 'she', right?"

"Yeah?" He placed his hand on your head.

"Now you don't have to worry, theyby!" Shinsou said to you. There was a long pause, before he continued. "See, I tried to combine 'they' and 'baby', but it just sounded dumb..."

"Well, it was a sweet gesture either way. And I usually wouldn't say this to someone who killed someone, but... thank you, Shinsou." He looked shocked, and looked away from you, blushing intensly.

"Y-yeah, no problem (Y/N)..."

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