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Requested by: thisismylifetellmey

I went through minimal character development during this quarentine. I like my roast beef with gravy now.

And, uh, for this one I was just like "Fuck it, time for a wholesome one."

| A Classic Romance Movie |

It started when you were on a field trip with your students.

A bunch of villains decided to take an elementary school class hostage.

That was the first time you saw him. A mysterious Hero called Mind Flayer.

"Are you ok?" He asked you, grabbing you by your hand, and helping you stand up.

"Yeah, thanks..." you said, dusting yourself off. You were lucky enough to get away with just a few scrapes. "Oh god the kids. A-are the students ok?" You asked, starting to panic.

"As far as I know."

You breathed a sigh of relief.

All of the children ended up being ok.

But, after that, you started noticing that Hero more.

About a week later, you were doing parent-teacher interviews, and you... well, you saw someone you didn't expect to see.

There was a young girl in your class named Harumi Shinsou, and you knew her father's name, but not what he looked like.

And so, when he walked in, it was a bit of a surprise to see the Hero that helped you.

"Oh. Uh, hello there." You said, awkwardly.

"Ok, so I think we both know how awkward this is, so let's just get this over with." He said to you. "So, how's Harumi doing in school?"

"Well, she's doing very well-"

"Alright, good enough for me. Thanks. Bye. Harumi, let's go." He said quickly, standing up from the seat, and making his way to the classroom's door.

Then, on her way to the door, Harumi told you something.

"My dad says he likes you."

"A-ah! Sorry Miss (L/N)..." Hitoshi started laughing. "I don't know what she's talking about...! Hahaha!"

One day, while out in public, you saw him.

One of those cliche scenes where you bump into someone, and help them pick up their groceries.

"Oh, hi there." He said to you.

"Hello.... uh... what should I call you...?"

"Well, you already know my actual name, so... j-just Hitoshi is fine." He told you.

"Ok! So... where's Harumi...?" You asked, seeming as she was nowhere to be found.

"Oh, she's hanging out with a friend of hers. So, I thought I'd get her a present while she's gone, since her birthday is in a few days." Shinsou explained. "But since I want it to be a surprise, I... don't know what she wants."

"I could help you!" You said happily. "If you want me to."

"S-sure!" He told you, blushing.

You ended up helping him carry his bags home.

"Since you're already here, um... would you like to come in?" Hitoshi asked you.

"Well... I suppose I could step inside for a moment..."

If only you knew what just 'stepping inside for a moment' would lead to...

One night, as you and Hitoshi were walking together...

"So... (Y/N)..." He began. "We've been together for... two years now, right?"

"Hm... yeah, I think so." You told him.

"And Harumi seems to think of you as her mom sometimes." He continued.

"Yeah, and my coworkers seem to think there's something going on with us..." you said, smiling. Hitoshi sighed.

"(Y/N)... just... something I've been wondering recently..."

Hitoshi dropped to his knees.

"Do you..."

He pulled a ring box out of his sweater pocket.

He breathed in deeply, and finally asked you

"Do you want to marry me, (Y/N)...?"

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