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(I only used a pic of Alter Ego because it's the only thing I could think of that would fit... this chapter (unfortunately) has nothing to do with Danganronpa)

I came up with this while in class.

I had a long string of thoughts to get to what this chapter ended up being, so, I'm gonna explain my... thought process(?) at the end :D

| Program |

With the single press of a button on a keyboard, you're suddenly alive.

You look up, and you can see a celling.

You look down, and you can see a keyboard.

You look left, and you can see a wall.

You look right, and you can see the rest of a room.

You look forward, and...

You see someone.

He gasps, and raises his hand to the screen.

"D... d-did I do it...? Did it work? (Y/N), c-can you hear me?" He asks. "I haven't given you a voice yet, s-so... please... I need to know if it worked this time... if you can hear me, (Y/N), nod your head."

You nod for him.

He smiles widely, as if he'd never been happier in his life.

"O-oh my god! I can't believe it!" He spun around in his chair, then stopping himself, and paced his hand on the screen "I did it! She... she's alive..." He placed his hands on his mouth, and started to cry.

You placed your hand on your side of the screen.

He gasped, and just started crying harder.

"I'm so happy you're back, (Y/N)..."

What does he mean?

You don't know what's happening, but...

He seems happy.

"Oh, you're probably so confused, aren't you, (Y/N)?" He asked. "I... I want to tell you everything... but... it might scare you. You're ok with being scared, right?"

You nodded for him.

You wanted to know what was happening.

"Right." He said "So, your name was (Y/N) (L/N), and you were a really good friend of mine... you were a very good friend of everyone in our group, e-except for one, but he's not important right now. You were such a wonderful person... you didn't deserve what happened... you... you developed... an illness... a terrible illness... leading to your death..." He explained to you, starting to cry again. "Since then, I've tried my best to bring you back, and... it finally worked!"

So you were dead, and... brought back to life.

"Or, maybe not 'brought back', more... I..." It seemed like he was about to say something, but he decided against it. "No, I shouldn't say that... that might make you have some kind of... existential crisis."

Oh well.

Even if you didn't know everything, you knew enough.

You knew your name, you knew what happened to you, and currently, that's enough.

"Oh! And you're probably confused about who I am, aren't you? I'm Izuku! I was a good friend of yours before... you know..." He said, happily. "Um, i-if you don't mind, I really need to sleep, I haven't slept for two days at this point...!" He laughed to himself. "So, I'm gonna turn off my computer, but you don't have to worry about anything happening to you! It's just... it's almost like you're going to sleep for a bit. Good night (Y/N)!"

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