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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

It's all fun and games until Hagakure reveals she has an older brother named Yasuhiro...

| I'm Sorry! |

School had been going well recently! Shinsou had been transferred to your class (out with the old purple, in with the new purple), you had become friends with Todoroki, and you hadn't been attacked by Villains in... at least two months!

Unfortunately, that two-month-long streak ended today.

Appaerently, the League of Villains had gained a new member since you last saw them, named Settoku Shibushibu.

You, Todoroki, and Shinsou had been separated from the rest of the class, to face off against the new member alone.

"Yay! I have three new toys to play with!" He said, his eyes lighting up in excitement. "How nice of Mr. Shigiraki to give them to me!"

"What the hell...?"

"I think I'll play with that one first!" He pointed at Todoroki. "Hey! Your name's Shouto, right? Can I play with you? It doesn't matter if you say no, I'm gonna play with you anyways!" Shibushibu ran towards Todoroki, extending his hand towards him. When you did, you saw some kind of weird glowing strings appear out of each of his fingers. They shot towards Todoroki, wrapping around him, before disappearing.

Todoroki just stood there, completely still.

Then, when you saw Shibushibu raise his left arm, Todoroki raised his arm as well.

"Haha! It worked!" You were hearing double. Shibushibu and Todoroki were both saying the exact same words, with the exact same tone, and they were both doing the exact same actions. "Now... what should we play? Does it matter what it's called?"

"What the hell?" You asked. "Shinsou, you got any idea what's going on here?"

"I-it... it seems similar to my brainwashing, and yet... so different." Shinsou informed you.

"Oh, your name's Shinsou?" Todoroki walked towards the two of you. "You know, Shinsou,  you and I... are very similar, aren't we? We're both just... heart-manipulating people users. You'd be such a good playmate~"

"The fuck are you talking about?"

"One day, I think we should both get some people to play with! And then we could-"

You hit Todoroki on the back of the head. If Shinsou's brainwashing can be undone with a large enough shock, then maybe this mind control could be undone in a similar way?


"Oh. Is that how it is...?" He slowly asked. Todoroki turned around, staring right at you. "I can't believe how mean you are, just bullying me for no reason. I was planning on going easy on you, but... I don't think I want to any more."

Ok, that was probably a bad idea.

He froze Shinsou to the ground.

"Oh... this is bad." Shinsou whispered to himself.

"I don't want him interfering. I want this  to be fun, so... I'm going to let Shouto do what he wants! Within reason, that is." Suddenly, you saw the strings you saw be wrapped around Todoroki reappear and break apart. He looked around, confused, as if he didn't know what was happening. Another one of those weird strings shot off from Shibushibu's pointer finger, wrapping around Todoroki's head, before disappearing much like last time.

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