𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉𝑜 𝒯𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑜𝓀𝒾

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Requested by Dhebebrbr

I hope you enjoy!

| Hiding From The Truth |

You walked down the stairs of... it's probably a house, but you weren't completely sure.

And you saw... him.

A so called "Pro-Hero" that's actually clearly insane, Shouto Todoroki.

"Hello (Name), how was your sleep?" He asked you, his emotionless face managing to show a smile.

"Same as always...!" You said to him. HIs smile faded, and he looked at you as if he were sad.

"Oh come on (Name)... you can be honest with me!" Todoroki said to you, his mouth curling up to create a clearly fake insane-looking smile, but his eyes still showing no emotion. "Can't you?"

"Nah, I'm good!" You said, hopping onto the couch.

"By the way (Name), do you want anything for breakfast?" Todoroki asked.

"Well, for one, I want something that's not drugged." You said to him. You heard a sigh, before he turned to you, and told you something you've heard many times before.

"I don't drug you, (Name)." He said to you, a hint of guilt in his voice.

"Don't believe you." You said, actually feeling extremely hungry.

"Fine then. No food for the second day in a row." He told you, his cold voice making you feel an overwhelming sense of dread. "I wonder how long you can keep this up?"

"I can keep it up as long as I need to!" You proclaimed,  a tiny tear escaping your eye. You quickly wiped it away, as Todoroki walked closer to you.

"You're lying." He whispered. "You're lying to me, and to yourself."

"Nope! Actually you're the one lying." You said, trying to keep up the façade. Todoroki laughed, and looked at you, with a clear insane look on his face.

"Am I? I have to say (Name), you're good at telling jokes." He told you. You didn't want to admit it, but it was true.

You're lying.

The jokes you try to tell yourself, you pretending that nothing is wrong despite being kidnapped and starving... it was all a lie.

You're trying your best to keep your spirits up, but deep down, you're terrified.

And you don't know how much longer it will be until you break.

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