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Hehe! What if 🤭 Bakugou missed grabbing Kirishima's hand during the rescue?

| Lovebirds |

It might have been "childish", given that you were a Pro Hero, but... you had a rival of sorts.

Another Pro Hero by the name of Hawks.

He hated you.

But there was always a strange romantic tension between the two of you.

A romantic tension that you refused to acknowledge.

You were about to finish off a villain, and then you heard his voice from above you.

"Don't you worry, never fear, the sexy bitch is finally here!" Hawks picked up the villain with one of his feathers. "I'll take it from here, you incompetent motherfucker."

"I'd prefer if you didn't." You told him, annoyed.

"Too bad!" He yelled, flying off with the villain.

You sighed in annoyance, and started walking home.

You felt someone following you.

You knew exactly who it was.

"Leave me alone, Hawks." You told him, annoyed.

"Fiiiiiiiiine. I just wanted to talk to you normally, and settle this like people, but ok." He told you. You heard him fly away again.

You kept walking.

Once you were home, you flopped down on your bed, exhausted.

Your day would never change.

You'd always be in Hawks' shadow.

A side-story in news reports.

You fell asleep, not knowing what'd happen tomorrow.

When you woke up, you remembered you had to get groceries.

God, why.

You didn't like... you know... talking to people.

But it felt nice when people recognized you, so that was a bit of a plus.

You got into some casual clothes, grabbed some reusable shopping bags, and headed out of the house.

You walked your way to the store, and then once you were there, you started looking for the things you needed.

Someone suddenly screamed.

And then the store erupted into chaos....

As everyone realized that the man at the counter was pointing a gun directly at the cashier.

You handed you bags to the person right beside you, saying

"I'll be back for those." Before running to the front of the store, and punching the man right in the back of his head.

Apparently, the person behind the one you just knocked out also had a gun, because all of a sudden...

You were shot.

You quickly turned around, ready for more of a fight, but...

It didn't work.

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