𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒊

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Requested by: ELEMENT-OF-ACID

Gooooooood I'm not usually a candy/chocolate person, but I just really want both candies and chocolates right now...

| Wonderland |


Where are you?

Well... you're in a garden, with pretty-coloured trees, various flowers, and a... giant building made of pure white bricks and blue shingles.

Maybe, if you try to remember how you got here, you'll figure out how you got here?

Alright, so...

You were really mad at your boyfriend for cheating on you...

He told you it "won't happen again", but you knew he'd go back to that bitch...

In your anger, you ran out into the street, got hit by a bus, and that leads you to now.

Which can only mean one thing.

You are dead, and this is Heaven.

Actually... no, you'd probably go to Hell.

So maybe you aren't dead.

But that just brings you back to the question: where the hell are you?

And why did you run into the street like that?! That was such a dumb idea!!

And why aren't you getting up? You probably should!

And why is there someone staring at you?!

Wait why is someone staring at you?

"Why are you in my garden?"


"I asked you a question, you should answer. It's rude not to. Now, why are you in my garden?"

"Well you see sir... I was hit by a bus, and the next thing I knew, I was here." You explained.

"Uh... what's a... bus...?" He asked, curiously.


"Alright, so I'm either at some kind of very dedicated cosplay convention... or I was transported to a fantasy world."

"What's cosplay...?"

"Oh wow, my dream has come true!" You said happily. "I'm in a fantasy world with nothing to worry about! Like politics, and cheating scumbag boyfriends."

"Oh no, we most definitely have politics in my country."

"Damn. Well, at least I don't have to worry about people cheating on me-"

"My Father cheated on my Mother while she was pregnant with me."

"...right. Hey, wait, you said your country?" You asked.

"Oh yes, I murdered my Father, and since my oldest brother is presumed dead, my other older brother refused to take the throne, my sister is in a different country trying to stop a war from happening, and my Mother is mentally unstable, I was crowned King. Temporarily. My Mother was technically supposed to be put in charge if my Father died (for some reason), but you know... unstable."

"Wow. You... sound like you have some family issues."

"Oh I do." He said. "I feel like I should introduce myself. I am Prince Shouto Todoroki. I'd introduce myself as the King, but it's only temporary, so I insist on not calling myself that." Todoroki extended his hand. Still on the ground, you reached out your hand and shook his.

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