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Requested by: Lavender-Boba

I'm very tired right now... good night ❤

| This Means War |

You picked up the large cloak, and put it on.

You leave the house quietly, and the moment you shut the door...

You ran.

You had nothing except your clothes and the cloak you were wearing.

It didn't matter though.

You needed to get out of that hellhole as soon as you possibly could.

Run as fast as you can.

You hope to reach the neighbouring kingdom by sunrise.

Hopefully sooner.

You pounded on the large door.

You kept knocking, until it opened.

That was when you saw him.

"Oh... you." He said, disappointed. "How many more times are you going to come here begging for money? Go ask your own king."

"That's not what I'm here for!" You said, desperately. "...this time."

"Ok, go on. Explain your reasons for being here before I kick you out of the castle again."

"I... need somewhere to stay." You said, quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"M-my kingdom... everyone in the kingdom I live in... they're all convinced I'm the reason our King died... everyone wants to kill me."

"Hm. Are you the reason he died?"

"No! I-I don't even know why people think I did it!" You desperately yelled. "Please, I just need somewhere safe to stay. Even if it's just for an hour or so. Please..."

Knowing who you were talking to, you expected to hear a no.

What you didn't expect, however...

"Fine. You may stay... as long as you need to." He told you.

An unexpected outcome, but a welcome one.

The next day, as you were exploring the castle, you came across the... you didn't know the name of the room, but it was where the king would plot out his military strategy.

"What are you doing, Katsuki?" You asked him.

"Planning to go to war."

"Oh? With who?" You asked, walking in the room.


"Wait... Akkio? As in where I'm from? Why though?" You asked.

Kastsuki looked up from his strategy table, and stared at you for a moment, before walking closer to you.

"Let's see... their King died, so they blamed some random girl with presumably no reason to, Which led to that girl running away to a different kingdom, hoping to find somewhere else to live. The King of the kingdom she ran away to takes pity on her after falling in love, due to her constantly begging for money. Now imagine that King's rage when he finds out that the people of Akkio are trying to murder the woman he's in love with. Now let's say, that King is me, and the girl is you."

"Wait, you fell in love with me after I constantly asked you for money?"

"Yeah, I don't know why. I guess I might just have a thing for idiots." Katsuki told you. You were offended, but completely agreed. "Now leave me alone while I plot the war. Akkio is still dealing with the loss of their King... they won't expect this."

"Are you sure? What if they know that people will think they're vulnerable?"

"I doubt that."

He was right, Akkio didn't expect the ambush at all.

They were extremely vulnerable.

The streets ran red with blood, as countless bodies piled up everywhere.

It wasn't just a war, it was a massacre.

Practically everyone in the kingdom was killed.

"This feels better... I had some strange feeling of bloodlust, and it seems that feeling has been satisfied."

"I... I thought you were just going to start a war...?" You asked, quietly. This... isn't what you wanted.

"I thought so too, but there was a change of plans. And this... this is even better than what I originally wanted. Don't you agree?"

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