𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉𝑜 𝒯𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑜𝓀𝒾

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This was going to be set in the Fantasy AU, buuuuuuuut then I had an awesome idea!

| A Strange Family |

Where the hell were you?

How did you even get here?

It was snowing so hard, and you couldn't see anything.

You looked behind you, at the snow on the ground, and you saw you were leaving a trail of blood. Were your feet bleeding?

Regardless, you kept pushing forward. If you keep walking, you're sure to find help eventually, right...?

Eventually, even though you tried your best to keep moving forward, you collapsed.

Your legs just couldn't move you any more.

You still tried to keep yourself moving.

The snow stung your hands as you crawled your way forward, hoping to find anything that could help you.

Eventually, your hands were so cold they were practically numb.

As your face fell to the snow, and your vision started to fade, you swore you saw someone walk up to you.

Even if it turned out to be some kind of hallucination, you weren't going to deny help.

As you reached out towards them you uttered


Before you passed out.

Eventually, you woke up.

"H-huh...?" You asked. "W-where am I...?"

"Good morning." You heard someone say. "Are you ok? You seemed very cold when I brought you here."

"Well I..." You paused, and felt your head. "I... I think I am..."

"That's good." They said. You looked to them, and they were definitely the one you remember seeing before you passed out. "My name is Shouto Todoroki, what's yours?"

"Oh! It's (Name)." You told him. "And... t-thanks for helping me." You said to him.

"My siblings helped as well. Do you want to meet them?" He asked excitedly.

"Well... sure! What's the worst that could happen?" You asked yourself.

Shouto grabbed your hand, and helped you out of the bed. Then, you noticed something about him. His clothes were very... old-fashioned.

As you walked, you said 'ow'.

"Are you ok, (Name)?" Shouto asked quickly.

"Yeah, my feet just hurt from... whenever you brought me here." You explained.

"Oh! Would you like me to carry you?" You were confused, but eventually said

"Um... sure?"

Shouto immediately picked you up, with ease, and started walking with you. You noticed that his hands were... fairly cold.

"Also, (Name), my apologies if I seemed in a hurry to introduce you to my family, it's just... we haven't had any guests in so long, we're all very excited." He explained.

"You don't have to say sorry! I'm fine with meeting people, especially if those people, like... literally saved me from dying." You said to him.

"Fair enough."

As he walked down the stairs holding you, you saw his three siblings. It looked like he had two brothers and a sister. But looking at them, you realized... they're all... strangely pale.

"Alright (Name), These are my siblings; Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Touya." Shouto said to you. The third one was facing away from you, so you couldn't see what he looked like. Then, the brother that  you could see yelled


Before catapulting a knife at Shouto's forehead. And now, that knife was sticking out of his head.

You sat there in shock, before realizing... Shouto isn't bleeding.

He let you down from his grip, before ripping the knife out of his forehead.

"Your aim still sucks Natsuo. If I wasn't holding her, I would have been able to dodge it like normal." He said.

"Would you have?" Natsuo asked sarcastically.

"I agree though, your aim kinda sucks." The third one, who you hadn't yet seen admitted. From what you narrowed down, this third one was probably Touya.

"Huh?!" You blurted out. "S-shouto, what?" You asked, super confused. How was he not dead?

"What, this?" He asked, holding the knife up. "It's nothing, really." And then he threw the knife back at his brother, it now sticking out of his neck.

"Ooh! Nice shot, Sho!" He pulled the knife out, and placed it back on the large table he was sitting at.

"Stop fighting you two!" Fuyumi said to the two brothers.

"That's never gonna work." A new voice spoke, most likely Touya.

Then, he turned around.

Touya was burnt, some of his skin had melted off by the looks of it, allowing you to see some of his exposed face muscle, and even a bit of his skull in some spots.

You felt as if you were going to throw up.

In fear you stood up from the ground, and ran to the door, you pulled it open, and looked at the snowy wasteland in front of you.

You started walking away, before looking back, and seeing that the mansion you were in was actually completely burnt-down, only leaving the skeleton of what was once a large house.

And you saw Shouto standing in the doorway.

"(Name), come back... you'll die out there...!" He said, concerned.

And for some reason...

You walked back to him.



Undead Todoroki.

I don't know how I went from "Fantasy" to "Undead" but oh well.

And I don't know if this is Yandere, but he's convincing you to stay with him, so...

Also there was originally going to be a twist where it turns out you're dead as well, but I decided against it at the last minute.

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