𝐸𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜 𝒦𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶

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I saw a few people wanting a part 2 to this, so I thought "Why not?"


I'm really starting to not like school.

Alright, onto the chapter.

| Lonely Friends P2 |

It had been five years since this, well, apocalypse started.

It had been three years since you lost your arm.

It had been two years since you found your friends again.

It had only been half a year since you had to kill two of them due to them becoming infected.

And only one month since your last friend died due to a fever, of all things.

So now, you were alone.

As you walked, you eventually came to yet another abandoned town.

"Might as well see if they have any food still in the stores..." You said to yourself.

Though, everything was gone. The only things that remained were perishable food that had gone bad years ago.

You sighed, and continued walking through the street.

And then, you came across an abandoned High school.

It looked so... familiar.

But you didn't know why.

You walked into the school, and walked through it.

No matter what, you couldn't shake the feeling that you'd been here before.

And, as you walked, someone bumped into you.

You used your working arm to grab the axe you had tied onto your belt, and pointed it right at their neck. They raised their arms, in an "I surrender" position, with their eyes shut tightly.

"AH! W-wait! I'm unarmed and not infected!" They yelled. You sighed, and put the axe back on your belt.

"Sorry." You told them. You had a better look at him. He had very long hair, the ends of it seemed to have been dyed red at some point. And it seems he also got a better look at you.

"Y-you... I k-know you! (Name)!" He said, excitedly. "I knew it... I knew it! I knew you'd come back for me! I just knew it!" He yelled excitedly. "It's been so long (Name)! Th-three years ago you promised that you'd come back for me! And I believed you, I knew you wouldn't break your promise! I-"

"Hold on, do you know me?" You asked. A sad and nervous smile made its way to his face.

"Y... yeah, of course I do...!" He said, his voice breaking while speaking. "Do you... n-not... remember me...?"

"If I've met you before, then no."

He looked terrified, before wiping his face, and extending his hand.

"M-maybe if you hear my name you'll remember me! He said to you. "D-do you remember the name Kirishima?" He asked you quietly.

"Hmm..." You spoke. "Barely." You remembered that name... you felt like he helped you with your arm, but that was the only thing that you connected that name to. Kirishima laughed happily, and grabbed your hand.

"I have some food if you want any!" He said, leading you through the hallways, and then exiting the back door of the school.

He lead you to... what you assumed to be a building of some sort. It was hard to tell, as large wooden fences hid it.

He opened a door hidden within the fences, and held it open for you.

Walking in, you saw that the building was, presumably, the school's dorms.

"By the way, if you wanna take a shower, the water still works inside. Sadly o-only the cold water works though." Kirishima told you as you walked into the building.

You walked around the building, until you found the washroom. You sighed, and saw a shower with some old shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. It had really been a long time since you'd gotten clean.

The cold water was a bit of a shock, but by the time you were done, you felt one hundred percent better. You put your clothes back on, turned the lights off, and exited the room.

You sat down on a couch, and then asked

"Hey, yo said you had food, right?"

"Yeah! I took all the non-perishable food I could find! I got ramen, cereal, soup, pasta, you know, that sort of stuff!" Kirishima explained to you. "The stove doesn't work anymore though, so we can't really have the soup."


Days passed, and you had tried to leave a few times, but Kirishima always ended up convincing you not to.

But maybe he's right.

There isn't any actual reasons to leave now that your friends are dead, so... yeah, why should you leave?

You two could just be two delusional kids barely surviving the apocalypse.

That is, until you are inevitably killed by the zombies, or die of starvation.

Neither of you had any friends anymore...

But at least you had each other.



Fun fact! I was originally gonna include Camie in this (as one of your friends), but I decided against it while writing.

You wanna know the worst part about that?


She was gonna vape.

I wanted to include her Quirk in some way, and I remember she makes that colourful smoke from her mouth to make the... illusions, or whatever they are.

I really hope you forgive me for having that idea...

Also, I originally had a more sad ending planned for this, but I couldn't think of a way to write it. I'm still proud of the ending I ended up making though!

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