𝒩𝑒𝒾𝓉𝑜 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝑜𝓂𝒶

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Requested by Storm_likes_to_draw

All I know how to do is write, draw badly, play video games, watch anime, be bisexual, eat BBQ Frito and lie.

| I'll Send You A Heart |

"HARDER!" You screamed at your friend, staring into his dark grey eyes.

"God, can you not yell that?" He asked you. "I know you want me to punch you harder, but... people are gonna think we're, like, having sex, or something..."

"Just do it, Tetsutetsu!" You yelled.

"I-I don't want to hurt you though...." He told you.

"Alright, just..." You paused, before thinking of something. "Ah! Just pretend I'm, like... a piece of training equipment!" You encouraged him.

"Ok..." He said doubtfully. Tetsutetsu closed his eyes, and punched you as hard as he could in the gut. You covered your mouth with your hand as you threw up in your mouth.

"M-maybe that w-was too hard..." You told him, as you fell onto the floor.

"Oh god I killed you...!" He said worriedly.

Now, why were the two of you even in this situation?

Well, you didn't like your job. At all.

And, you assumed that if you were injured enough, you wouldn't have to go to work! At least for a while.

This, however, was not your intention.

"Ugh... where are we going...?" You asked drowsily, your whole world bobbing up and down.

"Oh nice, you aren't dead!" You heard Tetsutetsu say. "Well, I'm really scared that you're internally bleeding, or something, so I'm carrying you to the hospital to get you checked out!"

"Oh fun...!" You said, not really sure what was going on.

According to the doctor, everything was fine!

No internal bleeding, no broken bones...

But you definitely were injured, and, as you had planned, it was enough to let you not go to work for a while.

Although you were in pain, you made your way home.

Once you were home, you made yourself some soup, and put on a show you'd been watching.

Then, before you could even start eating your soup, someone rang the doorbell.

You sighed, placing your soup down on the coffee table, and walked over to the door.

When you opened it, someone was waiting for you.

It was a Hero named Phantom Thief, or rather, Neito Monoma.

"Hello lovely~" He said to you. You looked away while blushing, and told him

"Oh be quiet...!" You laughed a bit, and let him inside. Walking inside, he looked at your TV, before asking

"What're you watching, (Y/N)?" Eager to talk to someone about it, you started explaining.

"Oh! It's about this group of girls who transform into superheroes, and have to fight an evil kingdom!" You said happily.

"Hm. Well, I don't know if I'll like it, but it wouldn't hurt to watch it with you." Neito said, sitting down on your couch right beside where you'd been sitting. You closed the door, and walked back to the couch, sitting down right beside him.

Neito put his arm around you, as you ate your soup and watched the show.

"I don't get it." He said to you. "It seems interesting, but... why is the cat talking...?" He asked.

"Oh! Yeah, you missed a bit of context... maybe we should start from the beginning!" You said.

"No, no, just... pause the show for a second, dear?" Neito told you. You put your soup down on the coffee table again, grabbing the remote, and pausing. He stroked the side of your face, and told you "I'd much rather you tell me what happened... in that beautiful voice of yours...~"

"Ok!" You said, laughing sweetly.

You finished explaining after a few minutes.

"So that's what happened!" You happily explained. Neito smiled, and collapsed into you.

"Ow-" You said as he rested your head right where you had been punched. He lifted himself up, and then lifted up your shirt.

As it turns out, the spot where Tetsutetsu had punched you had bruised over. Neito's tone changed dramatically, and demanded

"Who did this."

"It's fine, I was-"

"No, tell me who did this, (Y/N)." He kept demanding.

"Well, Tetsutetsu, but I was ok with it! I asked him to!" You explained.

"Oh. Ok then." He said. With that, the two of you continued watching the show.

"Neito, you're awfully quiet right now... i-is everything ok...?" You asked cautiously.

"Oh, I'm fine, I'm just thinking of all the ways I can punish Tetsutetsu for hurting you." He told you simply.

"A-ah! You shouldn't joke about shit like that!" You told him, worried that he might not be joking.

"Who knows, maybe I could copy your Quirk and rip his fucking heart out!" You were shocked, but continued talking.

"Metal claws against a metal body? I don't think that'd do anything except make an awful noise..." You said sarcastically.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe that will end up being a useless idea..."

"Not useless, it might do something, it's just a stupid idea."

Eventually he left, and you slept that night, worrying that Tetsutetsu might die because of the stupid "Get out of work, free" idea you came up with.

You woke up to a package at your door.

You picked up the box, reading the note attached to it.

Good morning (Y/N).

I told you I'd do it, didn't I?

With love,

Your soon-to-be Husband.

It was short, and...

Well it sure was to the point.

You walked back inside, closing the door, and sitting down on the couch.

You didn't know if you even wanted to open the box.

But you did anyways.

There was a hand...

An eye...

Some strands of silver hair...



A human heart.

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