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Requested by AkkoAlex

This was kinda hard to do because I know Shindo is canonically dating someone. And I know that shouldn't matter because of what I'm writing, but still.

That was the case, until...

| Murder Mystery |

There was a serial killer on the loose in your town.

The only reason people know the murders are connected is because the words "Call me back" are carved into the victim's left arm. There's also always a red X painted at the scene.

The killer has recently struck again, killing a woman by the name of Tatami Nakagame.

And now, you were at the police station, after being called there for... well, he didn't tell you. All he said was that he'll explain once you get there.

"Ah! (Y/N)! Perfect timing! Now, if you could just follow me..."

You followed him into the room, and he shut the door behind you two.

"Alright, what's this about, Shindo?" You asked him. "Is this about two nights ago? Listen, I'm sorry, things just weren't working out."

"No, this isn't about that, (Y/N), this is about the killings that have been happening recently." He informed you.

"Oh yeah? What do I have to do with anything?" You asked.

"Well, with all of the evidence we've gathered, we're led to believe that..." there was a very dramatic pause. "That you may be the next victim, (Y/N)."

"Really? Sounds epic, can't wait." You responded.

"This is serious, (Y/N)!" Shindo told you. "I don't want you to die. So, for safety reasons of course, I'll be staying with you tonight. I won't try to rekindle our romance or anything, I'm just doing this to keep you safe." He said to you. "And... no hard feelings about the break up."

Whether you wanted him to or not, Shindo came home with you.

It was kinda awkward, but it was a nice enough day.

Until it hit midnight.

Shindo shut all of the curtains, and locked the doors.

"(Y/N)... Let me tell you everything I know about the killer." He told you suddenly. "He's about 5'9, he seems like a very polite person at first, but it's just a facade to fool others, and make them drop their guard. He blends in with everyone else, he just looks like a normal person, and that's exactly what he wants. The killer just wants to live a peaceful, quiet life. He even wants to settle down with someone someday, and yet... he keeps having his heart broken. His constant heartbreak eventually drove him insane, leading him to murder all of his exes."

"How do you-"

"Do you know... (Y/N), do you know why I insisted on working this case?" Shindo asked you. "It's because I knew I'd be found out if someone else was working on it. My guess about you being the next murder victim was 100% right, (Y/N)."

As soon as you realized what he was alluding to, you ran for the door.

But it was too late.

You felt a sharp object enter the back of your head, and you collapsed onto the floor.

The last thing you heard was Shindo's laughter, and him telling you

"Say hi to the rest of them for me when you get down there!"

And then you died.

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