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Requested by owouwugothy1

While I'm here, I might as well tell you one thing: If you haven't seen Coraline, watch Coraline.

That has nothing to do with the chapter.


| The Yellow-Eyed Man |

You walked down the street, for no reason in particular.

Today, you decided to take a walk to de-stress.

Unfortunately, due to what happened on that walk, you were even more stressed.

You heard someone screaming in an alley.

You could have ignored it, you honestly should have just ignored it.

...But you didn't.

You turned  down the alley, and saw someone being confronted.

They were frantically yelling about... something.

The person confronting them walked forwards, reached towards them, and in less than a second...

They were just a blood splatter on the walls and ground.

The confronter turned around, and in a quick second, you were able to see what he looked like.

Brown hair, yellow eyes, three piercings on his left ear, and a mask that looked like the bottom part of one of those plague doctor masks.

But the moment the two of you made eye contact, you were already out of there.

Holy shit, what the hell was that.

Was that his Quirk?

Whatever it was, it was something you didn't want to associate with.

The next day, you took another walk, hoping it'd go better than yesterday.

And it did!

But then... you saw that yellow-eyed man again. Though today, he was wearing a black surgical mask.

And he was staring at you. You didn't want to acknowledge him, but you found your eyes darting over to him.

On your way home, you decided to take the subway.

And you realized...

That man was sitting right across from you.

You forced out an awkward smile, and looked away from him.

Though, as if you were watching a car crash, you just couldn't look away from him.

You woke up in the middle of the night, and you just couldn't fall back asleep.

So, you sleepily walked to your kitchen.

You saw there was some leftover pie in the fridge. You assumed pie with whipped cream would be a nice midnight snack, so you grabbed yourself a slice.

You grabbed a fork from your silverware drawer, and that's when you heard it.

A knock at the back door.

And all of  sudden, the back door was completely gone. And the yellow-eyed man walked through the back door.

"Good evening." You heard him say. You screamed, and tried to run to the front door, but a piece of the ground rose up, preventing your escape.

The man ran towards you with his un-gloved hand, but you dodged at just the right second, and the piece of the ground got destroyed instead.

And, not knowing what else to do, you stabbed him in the eye with the fork.

When you ripped the fork out, his eye ended up coming out as well.

You dropped the fork as you tried not to vomit, and you ran out the front door as the man screamed and held his face.

You looked back, and you swore you saw his head disappear, and then reappear in less than a second.

And he had his eye back.

You ran into the street as the man ran towards you and-


You died.

All of a sudden though...

You were alive again.

And you didn't know where you were.

"Hello there..." You heard a voice say, sounding very similar to the voice of the man who killed you. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you instantly recognized the yellow-eyed man. "Your name is (Name), right...?" He asked.

"N-no." You lied, trying to sound confident.

"Nemoto." The man demanded. Someone else in a plague doctor mask walked in the room, extended his hand out to you, and asked

"What is your name?"

And for some reason, you responded honestly.

"It's (Name) (Last name)." You covered your mouth with your hands, as the yellow-eyed man walked closer to you.

"Ah, I was right." He said. "You can call me Overhaul." You tensed up hearing that name. You'd heard it before, but you couldn't remember where. "And now, I'm afraid to tell you, but I can't let you leave."

He picked up something from the table beside you.

"I'll make a deal with you though." He revealed that what was on the table was a blue surgical mask. "I'll consider letting you live if you join us."

And, wanting to live, you hesitantly replied...

"I w-will."

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