𝔈𝔦𝔧𝔦𝔯𝔬 𝔎𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔪𝔞

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(This chapter might have a continuation, you know, if ya want)


To anyone who gets that: I love you. (I mean, I love all of you, but you get what I mean)

| Overcome It |

Recently, you turned to online dating. Nothing else seemed to be working out for you, so why not try.

By some kind of miracle, that worked out for you!

Through the unnamed dating app, you met a man named Eijiro Kirishima.

Today, you were finally going to meet him in person.

After getting all ready for the date, you made your way over to his house, which he asked to be the meeting spot for "personal reasons".

The sunset beamed on your face as you knocked on the door. You started wondering... what are the "personal reasons" he wanted to meet you here?

Suddenly, the door was opened.

You saw a man with red hair tied up in a ponytail. He looked tired (like, mentally tired) and sighed in disappointment.

"Really not in the mood to deal with you door-to-door salesmen right now, I have to make dinner, get this kid to bed, and get ready for a date, so-" then, he got a good look at you. "Oh! (Y/N)!" He laughed, clearly embarrassed. "You're here early!"

"Am I? I thought you said 6:30?"

"No, I said 8:30. But, while you're here, could you help me for a sec? Hisui's being really troublesome right now, and I just... it'd be nice to have some help again." Eijiro asked you.

"Huh? Who's Hisui?" You asked.

"Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. Real sorry about that, but yeah, I have a son." He confessed. Well, that wasn't what you were expecting. "Could you help me? I mean, I know you're here for a date, but... please?"

"Uh... sure." You responded, walking inside.

The home had a welcoming atmosphere, and there was a pleasant smell coming from the kitchen.

"Hisui's in the living room, just over there." He pointed to an area with a couch, a reclining chair, a loveseat, a TV, and a coffee table. "Alright, I'm pretty sure the garlic bread's burning, good luck (Y/N)!!"

Eijiro ran off to the kitchen, worrying about the garlic bread. He better hurry if he doesn't want it to burn!

You dropped your bag on the floor, and walked over to the living room.

That's weird, the kid's nowhere to be seen.

You looked around the living room, but... ok, apparently the child you haven't even met yet has disappeared.

... that, or Eijiro suffers from hallucinations.

Just when you were getting concerned for the child's safety, and if it's the latter, your own safety, a kid jumped up from behind the couch.

"JESUS CHRIST-!" You yelled in shock, falling backwards.

"Hi!" He smiled happily. His hair was a colour similar to that of the colour of an amaranth, his eyes were a soft light green shade, and he had a... strange scar on his right cheek. "My name's Hisui! I can turn my body into crystal! Are you the person dad likes talking to?" He innocently asked. "He's been a lot happier since you two started talking. Are you two in love?"

"Um..." see, this is why you don't like talking to kids. "Well, y-yes, I'm in love with your dad, I-"

"That's good. Are you gonna marry him some day?"

"I... well, we don't know yet. I mean, we only started talking a few months ago, that's definitely not enough time to decide to get married..." you explained.

That awkward conversation continued, and just. Wouldn't. Stop.

That's why you don't like talking to children.

While having dinner, you brought something up.

"You know, Eijiro..." you thought about things for a moment, before continuing. "You look a lot like that one Hero, Red Riot." You told him.

"Oh, I do?" Eijiro asked. "Well... I guess I see the resemblance..." he said to himself.

"Do you get that often?" You asked.

"Yeah, but not as often as you'd expect. Which is, honestly surprising, since I am Red Riot." Eijiro told you, shrugging. You laughed. "I'm not joking."

"... You're not?" You asked.

"Nope. I'll even prove it!" Eijiro stood up from his seat. "He can do that Unbreakable thing, right?" He asked you. Hisui shut his eyes tightly after hearing that. "Well, watch this~"

You watched as Eijiro proved his point, shoving off the famous move.

"Woah." You said. You heard a loud creaking sound coming from his body.

"Cool, right?" He asked you, unhardeninghimself, and taking a deep breath. "Hisui thinks it's scary, and I don't really blame him."

Well, it's cool to know you're dating a Hero!

Once the three of you were done having dinner, Eijiro told you you could "explore the house if you want, just don't make too much noise". So that's exactly what you started doing.

You looked around, and didn't find anything too interesting.

That is, until you noticed a piece of a newspaper sticking out of a drawer.

When you opened the drawer, you took the newspaper out of the drawer, and started reading it. It was from two years ago.

A news report about the death of the Hero, Dynamight. A gruesome story you'd almost forgotten about. It described the death you remember watching on live TV two years ago (yes, live, no one expected him to die). The skin on his palms had been ripped off of his hands, his head had been caved in, both of his legs were broken, his chest was ripped open, and to finish him off if he wasn't dead already, his body was brutally ripped in half.

There were more things in the drawer, though. A wallet, some pictures of him, a bracelet, a child's drawing, and... a small box.

Curious, you picked up the box. When you opened it, you saw... an engagement ring.

"Oh. You found it." A voice came from behind you. Turning around, you saw Eijiro. "I know this isn't the 'first date' you probably wanted, but... I guess you should know." He took a deep breath in, closed his eyes, and breathed out. "I... was previously engaged to Dynamight before he died."

You didn't know what to say.

"I... thought our life couldn't get any better. And I was right. Our life couldn't get better... because then he died." Eijiro told you. "It was hard on me, and I just... didn't know what to do. But! I've been able to get over it! For the most part. I mean, I was on the mission he died on with him, and I watched it happen, and... that's just something I'll never be able to forget."

"That sounds terrible." You told him, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh well. It's in the past, and... no matter what I do, I can't change what happened." He shrugged, and smiled. "I just hope you don't end up the same."

You nervously laughed.

After that, your date went on as you thought it would.

Well, it's cool to know that you're dating a Pro Hero... cool to know he's good at cooking...

And you're definitely curious to see how this relationship will play out...

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