𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒈𝒐𝒖

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Guess who's stupid ass is having too many ideas rn? That's right- mine!

Finally revisiting the Fantasy AU!

I was listening to Vocaloid songs (don't ask why) and I got to Daughter/Servant of Evil, and I was just like "ok what if I made a chapter about this tho"

And, if you haven't heard Daughter/Servant of Evil (and Regret Message) LISTEN TO IT.

The songs are really good, and I definitely can't do it justice.

Hope you like!

| Down With The King |

You were the ruler of a kingdom named Vaffanculo.

You were deeply in love with a green-haired merchant boy from a foreign kingdom.

And today, you were meeting with the king of Latorine.

Barely anyone knew what he looked like, he almost never showed his face. He was known as the 'Fierce King of Dragons', so he's probably strong. You were almost scared of meeting him, in a way.

What did he look like?

The kingdom he ruled over was mostly populated by Dragons, so... was he a Dragon?

The answer should be yes, but ther were rumours that he wasn't...

You don't know how trustworthy the people spreading the rumours were, so you had a lot of uncertainty.

You walked through the streets, and two guards blocked your path with their spears.

"Let them through!" You heard a voice say. The guards lifted their spears, and you saw the person who said it. It was a Dragon with black hair and red eyes.

"Are you Katsuki?" You asked.

"Me? Oh no, I'm just his servant. Right this way your highness!" He said, turning the other way.

"You don't have to call me that, it makes me feel... I don't know, I just feel so... stuck up when people call me that."

"Ok your highness!"

You just stood there, and sighed.

You followed the Dragon to the castle.

"King Katsuki, your visitor is here!" The Dragon said, sticking his head through the door.

"Bring them in." You heard a voice respond.

"Alright, PRESENTING SOVOREIGN (Y/N) OF VAFFANCULO!" He yelled, opening the large door.

Katsuki looked nothing like what you expected.

He was young, as young as you, and he was fully human.

He had blonde hair, and piercing red eyes.

"So we finally meet, (Y/N)..." he said to you, in an intimidating voice.

"Good day, sir." You told him. "As your servant explained, I am the Sovoreign of Vaffanculo. It is a pleasure to meet you." He got up from his throne, and started walking towards you.

"Pleasure to meet you as well." He said, almost sounding like he was mocking you.

"So... why'd you want to meet me...?" You asked.

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