ᴛᴀᴍᴀᴋɪ ᴀᴍᴀᴊɪᴋɪ & ᴍɪʀɪᴏ ᴛᴏɢᴀᴛᴀ

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Requested by: TheWallNearYou

Hey, you guys know how I kill Kaminari a lot? Yeah, I really don't know why I do it. I fucking love him, and if anything were to happen to him (like if he were to canonically die) I would probably cry for weeks.

Like, I'm sorry for killing you so much Kami bb... I seriously love him so much...

Aaaaaaanyways, enough of me talking about that, onto the murder!

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"Ooh, that's exciting!" You said to yourself, looking at the small paper that had been slid into your locker.

I love you, (Y/N)!

Who knew that you, of all people, would have a secret admirer?

The next day, there was another.

Still love you!

And the next day...

I actually love you a little more today, I didn't even know that was possible!

And the next day...

I love you so much, and I really hope you love me back, (Y/N)!

And the next day...

You love me back, right?

And the next day...

Your face looks so adorable, (Y/N), even when you're all beat up.
That being said, if you get too hurt, your face will deteriorate...
Please don't hurt yourself too much!
I really care about you.

And the next day...

Do you know how beautiful you are when you sleep?
You look so... peaceful.
I love you more and more each day, (Y/N)...

Even though that last one seemed... strange to you, the notes still seemed genuine. Like it was someone who actually loved you, just wanting to get their feelings out, without thinking about what they were writing.

The notes got stranger as the days went on, though. Not just strange... kinda creepy.

Your hair smells so lovely...
I hope one day I can live with you forever.
I want to be with you forever.
I want to be with you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and even longer than that.
Please, always remember...
I love you so much...

And then, the next day...

(Y/N) I took a picture of you yesterday!
It looked so amazing!
I wish I could show you it, but... I've ruined it...
It's all... sticky now.
I did some... uh... unholy things while looking at it.
I'm really sorry for masturbating on a picture I took of you...
I'll take another picture, and show it to you tomorrow!
I promise I won't do that again, though...


I did it again...
Thankfully not on the photo this time!
Here's the picture, I love you!!

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