𝐸𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜 𝒦𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶

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Soooo many people wanted this, so I hope you enjoy!

Hmm... there are two trucks outside? That's cool.


Wait... the trucks are doing WHAT?!

| A Murder Case Before High School |

You were a student at Mustafa private middle school.

It was a few days before graduation, and recently... the school seemed... emptier than normal.

And... you had noticed a pattern.

Whenever you talked to someone in a certain class, most of, if not the entirety of that class disappeared soon after.

And it only started after you became friends with someone named Eijiro Kirishima.

There's no way it was just a coincidence, right?

So, you did a little... experiment, so to say.

You talked to someone, looking around, and there you saw him.

Kirishima, just around a corner.

You were able to tell it was him, just from his dark hair and red eyes.

You made note of the class this person was in.

The next day, another murder had taken place.

And it was that person's class.

Definitely not a coincidence at this point.

On the weekend, you invited him over.

You're going to confront him today.

As you waited, you suddenly started to question yourself.

What if he is innocent? What if it is just a big coincidence?

Then, the sound of the doorbell forced its way into your ears.

You took deep breaths, as you opened the door, and were face-to-face with him.

"Good afternoon (Y/N)! I'm really happy you invited me over!" Kirishima told you.

"Yeah, whatever, come in." You said, ready for the confrontation.

"Heh, ok, that's... kinda harsh, but... ok!" He said as he walked in the house. You slammed the door shut, as you prepared your 'big speech'. "Hey (Y/N), why'd you slam the door so hard...?" He asked you nervously.

You threw your hand out at him, pointing aggressively.

"Enough talk, Kirishima!" You yelled. "I know your secret..."

"Secret...?" He asked, starting to sweat. "W-what secret...?"

"Yes. Your terrible secret. I'm amazed you hid it this long!" You told him. "I mean, in reality, you're the perfect person for this crime! Just an innocent boy, with almost no friends... nobody would suspect it was you."

"Eh? Crime? Is this about the murders at our school?" Kirishima asked you.

"Of course, as I know the true identity of the murderer. In fact, he's standing right in front of me, and his name just so happens to be Eijiro Kirishima." You told him. "Ever heard of him?"

He laughed.

"Oh (Y/N)... you poor... little... idiot." He said angrily. "How could I have anything to do with the murders? Please, explain. I'm looking forward to seeing the way you think~"

"The murders only started after I became friends with you-"

"That's wrong. Two months before I knew you, people were already being killed, (Y/N)..."

"Only people that I talked to!"

"Or really?" He laughed at you. "Did you know anyone named Aku Yamino? Or Takako Hisaigai? Or Mina Ashido? Or Koichi Kagayaku? Or-"

"Alright, I get it." You said, accepting defeat. "I was wrong about you being the killer, so... I'm sorry Kirishima." You told him.

Maybe you were grasping at straws to make something make sense.

But then... you noticed something red stained on his white shirt.

"Hey, Kirishima... what's that on your shirt?" You asked.

"Huh? I have something on my shirt?" He asked you in response. You touched the substance, and looked at it on your finger. It was a dark red colour, and when you licked it off your finger (for whatever reason) it tasted... metallic.

"Blood." You stated. You locked eyes with him, and demanded "Kirishima... why is there blood on your shirt."

"Huh? W-well, I... um... you have to understand that...! N-no, what I mean is- what I really mean is-"

"Just answer the question."

He sighed, and clapped sarcastically.

"I have to say, good job (Y/N)... I'll just admit it. I'm the killer." Kirishima admitted. "Do you wanna go ahead and make a comic explaining why I'm the killer while you're at it?" He asked sarcastically.

"No- stop fooling around! I just want to know why you did it!" You yelled. He leaned closer to you, and whispered


"Wha-?!" You spouted. "H-how am I the reason-"

"I'm in love with you, (Y/N)... so much that it's driving me insane..." He inhaled sharply. "I can't even bare to imagine that you could ever be with someone other than me..."

"You accept my confession, right (Y/N)...?"

"N-no." You responded hesitantly. "I could never love a murderer like you."

"But... a-according to everything I've done... you should have said yes just now!..." Kirishima told you, backing away. He ran into the kitchen. You ran after him, scared as to what he might do. Then you saw what he had grabbed... a knife.


"If you don't love me after all I've done for you..." He raised the knife above his head. "THEN WHAT'S THE POINT OF EVEN LIVING ANYMORE?!" He screamed, before plunging the knife into his stomach, taking it out, stabbing himself again... again... again... before finishing it off with a stab in the chest.

"KIRISHIMA-!" You yelled in fear as he fell to the floor.

"(Y/N)..." He spoke. "I'm sorry... I don't want you to live with the guilt of... being the reason I died..." He told you. You hugged him, tears flowing down your face. This isn't what you wanted. Should you have just lied and said yes? "You're the last person I'll kill..."

You felt a sharp object enter your chest.

"I'm... happy that we... get to die together... (Y/N)..."

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