𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒊

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Requested by: haratsumi_kyo

Hey! This is the Todoroki chapter I promised! I'm sorry it took so long!

It's supposed to be based off of the song Stalker's Tango, but I don't think I did it too well.

I actually hadn't ever heard this song before this request, and I procrastinated listening to it (cause I'm a stupid dummy who doesn't like doing things (including listening to songs apparently)), that's why it took so long...

Also, I think I should tell you that Mt. St. Helens Is About To Blow Up.

(I really hope this is good! I really don't know if it is or not, but I hope it is.)

| Cool With Being Stalked, As Long As He's Hot |

"(Y/N), I think you should... you know... break up with Todoroki." Your friend told you.

"Why?" You asked, curiously.

"He's. Stalking. You." Your friend explained.

"And that's a problem... how...?" You asked.

"Wh- how do you not see the problem here?" Your friend asked back. "You literally told me you had to convince him to let let you come see me here! And he's not even giving us privacy, look, he's right over at the other table!"

You looked behind you, and yeah, there he was. You waved happily, and he waved back.

"He's just protective of me." You told them. "He had a really bad childhood, and just wants me to be safe."

"Ok? That's not an excuse, (Y/N)!"

"But he loves me, and only me... he'll never leave me... plus he's super hot! And I admit, he can be kinda cold sometimes, but that's not his fault! It's just how he was raised." You explained. "I'm completely fine with being stalked."

"I think there's something wrong with you (Y/N)."

"There are tons of things wrong with me, but this isn't one of them."

"(Y/N), I'm just trying to help you, I just want you to be safe!"

"So does he...!"

"No, he-"

"What's up guys, got us some drinks."

"Hi Todoroki!" You said happily. "What did you get us?" You asked.

"Well, I got some strawberry milk for myself, some (F/D) for you, and I got some coffee for your... friend here."

"Thanks!" You told him, grabbing the glass of (F/D) from him.

"So what were you two talking about?" He asked, pulling up a chair, and sitting at your table.

"We never said you could sit with us." Your friend aggressively told him.

"Hey, it's fine!" You told them.

"Do you want me to leave...? I can if you want..." Todoroki told you sadly.

"No, it's fine, my friend's just being weird today. You can stay!"

The three of you had a good enough time (despite your friend's actions), and your friend had to leave suddenly.

"(Y/N)... I just have to ask... do you really love me...?" Todoroki asked you.

"Of course I do! What wouldn't I?" He sighed.

"I just feel like you don't love me as much as I love you..." He told you. "I know this sounds strange, but I know... I'll never meet another person like you.. I don't think I'd be able to handle losing you..." You grabbed his hands.

"And I'll never meet another person like you, Todoroki." You told him. "I can't possibly understand why you're so desperately attached to me, but... you're extremely special to me." You said. Todoroki stared into your eyes, and smiled.

"Thank you... I just needed some reassuance."

You kissed him on the cheek.

"D... did you just...?" He asked. You nodded. He placed his hand on his cheek, and smiled slightly.

Todoroki was just happy enough to forget about his plans to murder your friend.

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