𝔐𝔬𝔪𝔬 𝔜𝔞𝔬𝔶𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔷𝔲

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Requested by: r0milolZ

Went to the doctor two days ago to get a refill of my ADHD meds, and I brought up the fact that I've been fainting, and as it turns out, I may have a mild case of something called POTS (which stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)!

And also, can someone please tell me why I have Two Trucks stuck in my head?? I haven't listened to it at all recently wtf

| Expensive |

There's a rope tied around you, pressing your arms into the sides of your chest. You're being dragged back to a house by part of that rope.

"Oh, this isn't hurting you, is it, (Y/N)?" Yaoyorozu asked you, as she pulled you back to where you'd escaped from.

"Only emotionally."

"Don't be like that." She said, disappointed.

"Come on Yaoyorozu! I just wanna be free!" You said to her.

"Wait? You're not free? I wasn't aware you costed money, (Y/N)... I can pay you when we get back-"

"No, not like that!" You yelled. "I want to live a normal life again!"

"Ah, I see. Well, sorry to disappoint, but you can't. You're gonna have to get used to this being your normal life." It's true. You'll just have to adjust to this, won't you?

Once you got back, as she was tying you up, Yaoyorozu told you something.

"You know, (Y/N)... I'm glad you don't cost any money. You're so precious to me, I don't think I could buy you even with the money I've earned from being a Hero and my parents fortune combined... no matter how much I have, I'd never be able to buy you..."

"To me... your happiness, your love..."

"Is the most expensive thing in the world."


I know this is kinda half-assed, but please believe me when I say this... I wanted to do a good one, I really did, but I just couldn't think of any actual ideas... this was the best I could come up with.

And it sucks, 'cause I really like Yaoyorozu, but I just couldn't come up with anything :(

But still, hope you enjoyed!

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