𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕜𝕦 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕪𝕒

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| You'll Stay With Me |



You walked back towards Izuku.


Turning your slow walk into a steady run, you ran back to Izuku. You ran back to the only one who really loved you..

You hugged him as tight as you could.. you wanted to feel secure. So many thoughts were racing in your head, but you knew that no matter what.. as long as you held onto him, you'd feel safe.

"Hey.. (Nickname)? Can you cover your ears for a second..? And maybe close your eyes too." Izuku asked you. Hearing his voice, you felt.. you didn't know what you felt. It was like a feeling of comfort, mixed with a feeling of adrenaline.

You did what he said, covering your ears and squeezing your eyes shut, hearing only muffled sounds.

But it was still enough to know what he did.

There was a muffled 'BANG' sound.

There was also a disgusting 'Splat' sound.

And then a panicked scream.


And then there was another 'BANG'.

There wasn't a 'Splat' this time though.

It sounded more like the bullet had deflected off of a rock.

You heard soft crying. It sounded like.. ok, have you ever started crying in class, and tried your best to pretend you're not? It sounded like that.

And, cautiously,

you opened your eyes.

You saw the pink lady lying on the ground, with a puddle of blood under her head. It was reasonable to think that the blood was her own.

"She.. she's dead." You heard Red Riot's breathing get quicker. "YOU KILLED HER!" He started to get angry. 

"Well, duh, that's kinda the point of the gun." Izuku said, like it was just something he casually did every day.

"How can you speak like that..?" Red Riot yelled. He sounded.. so desperate. "Do you know what you've done!?"

"Yeah, I just shot someone."


There was another bang.

And another sound similar to a bullet deflecting off of a rock.

"Could you at least let me finish my fucking sentence before you try to kill me..?"

"Why would I?" Izuku smiled.. evilly? Angrily? It was something like that. "Hey, (Nickname), could you head into the other room for a sec?"

You nodded, and headed into the other room. You hid behind a couch, and just heard what was happening. You knew there was something under the couch that you could defend yourself with if necessary.

"Well, congratulations Deku. I don't have anything left to lose."

"I already told you, Kirishima. I already told you how much I hate that name."

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