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Requested by: Kitten_Kayama

It's really cute when my dog lies down on me, but it becomes instantly less cute when he slowly stands up and completely destroys my groin, and jumps off the couch, leaving me in excruciating pain.

| Your Biggest Fan |

You were a singer. You did dumb songs about being lonely and horny.

You dealt with fans all the time.

It was normal, and it happened a lot.

One day, while you were buying shit at the store, it happened again.

"Hey! You're (Y/N) right?" One of the two asked happily. He had yellow hair, with a streak of black. The other one with him had purple hair, and looked like he'd never slept a day in his life.

"D-Denki, come one, she's probably busy, let's just leave..." The one with purple hair said, looking really nervous.

"No, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Shinsou!" The first one said.

"Yeah, I'm (Y/N), who are you?" You asked. His face lit up.

"I'm Denki Kaminari, this is Hitoshi Shinsou, we're both really big fans of yours, (Y/N)!!" He told you happily. "My favourite song of yours is You Say You Love Me But I Think You Wanna Kill Me! I know it's one of your earlier songs, but it's really good!" He told you. He elbowed his friend.

"I wish I wasn't in this situation right now..." Shinsou said, putting his hood on in embarrassment. "I don't know what I should say... I'll just do what Denki did... my favourite song that you've made is probably I Can't Get Laid So I'm Just Eating Pizza... a close second would be I Can Never Sleep... that one speaks to me the most..."

"And (Y/N), I have a piece of paper, and if it's not too much to ask you, could you maybe sign it?" Denki asked.

"Sure, why not?" You said. He gave you the paper, and you pulled a pen out of your pocket.

After you finished, you handed it back to him, and he smiled.

"I-I'd ask for an autograph too, but... I'll just end up losing it..." Shinsou said. "Could you just... this might sound weird, but could you maybe just give me a handshake instead?" He asked you, looking nervous.

"Of course!" You said, happily shaking his hand. He then turned around, and nervously walked away.

"Thank you (Y/N)!" Denki said, waving, and following after Shinsou.

While at home, during the afternoon, something was thrown through the window.

You walked over to it, and saw it was a canister.

The canister released something, and the next thing you knew, you passed out.

When you woke up, it was dark outside.

"God, how long was I out...?" You drowsily asked, rubbing the back of your head.

Rubbing the back of your head, you noticed a lock of your hair was missing.

You looked at your arm, and saw there was a bandage on the underside of your elbow, almost as if you'd gotten a blood test.

You got up, and saw a piece of paper on your kitchen counter.

Oh, this is probably nothing good.

Hi (Y/N)!

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