𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕠 𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚

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| Passing Notes P2 |

It had been a month since you switched classes. Adjusting to your decision was kind of tricky, as you sometimes found yourself walking up to your old classroom's door before realizing you weren't in that class anymore. And adjusting to dorm life was weird, but at the same time, you liked it!

The people in 1-A had all made friends with you pretty quickly, well... except for one. That bitch with explosions. You didn't care about that though, there were better things to worry about.

Like the fact that your boyfriend killed someone so you could join the class.

You were lost in thought on the couch, when suddenly you heard

"Hey (Name)!" You jumped, and looked up. It was Uraraka! "You wanna head to the mall with me and Deku?" She asked.

"Yeah, that sounds-" You started to reply, before being interrupted by a certain someone.

"Sorry, Uraraka. Me and (Name) have plans. I'm sure we'll be able to go next time though." It was Todoroki. Your boyfriend. 

"We do?" You asked.

"Don't you remember? You and I were going to watch movies in your room." He told you. That's strange... you don't remember making plans with him, but you are kinda forgetful some times. So maybe you told him and forgot?

"Oh right! I remember now!" You said, despite still not knowing when you had made plans. "Sorry, Uraraka." You said, as you walked away with Todoroki. The two of you watched a movie, and then he left. You were kind of sad, as you were excited to go to the mall, but that couldn't be helped now...

The next morning, there was a note on the floor. Did someone slide it under the door? You picked it up, and decided to read it.

(Name), why'd we stop doing this?

I kinda like writing letters!

Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to walk you

to class today.


Suddenly there was a knock. Was it him? You really hoped it wasn't. You cautiously opened the door, only to find an energetic pink girl with black eyes looking back at you.

"Yo (Name)! Wanna walk to school with us today instead of Midoriya's entourage?" She asked excitedly. "We want Bakugou to stop being an antisocial bitch and, we figured, this is the best way!"

"Yeah! I'll come with you!" You said happily. "I just need to get into my uniform. Just wait here, I'll be done in a sec!" You told her, closing the door. You quickly got your uniform on, did your hair, and opened the door.

"Great! Let's go!"

You and Ashido got into the elevator together, and headed downstairs. When you got to the bottom floor, the door made a 'Ding!' sound, and slowly opened. The two of you walked over to a certain group of kids, all hanging out together in the living room. The group included Sero, Kirishima, Ashido (well, it would, but she was right beside you), and Bakugou. You tried the best you could to be social with the group, when suddenly...

You felt a cold hand rest on your right shoulder.

"(Name). Let's go." You turned around, and there he was. You mustered up enough confidence to say

"Sorry Todo, I'm walking with them today..." You pointed behind you. His eyes grew wide, and then he looked... angry.

"I said we're going, (Name)." He grabbed you by the wrist, and tried to lead you away, but than, someone else started talking.

"Oi, she said no Half'n'Half." It was Bakugou. But... why would he of all people defend you?

"What does it matter to you what I do with my girlfriend, Bakugou?" Todoroki asked him sternly.

"Does that fuckin' Grape have more common sense than you right now? At least he knows when to stop." Bakugou told him, getting up from the chair he was sitting in.

"Todoroki, I agree with Kacchan... don't you think-"

"SHUT UP. THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!" Todoroki screamed. Why was he so angry? Someone grabbed you away from the dual-colour haired boy. Todoroki made an ice spike that encased his right hand, and Bakugou made a small explosion. They lunged at eachother with their attacks, and then...


There was no ice, no fire, no explosions, nothing.

Aizawa was standing there with his Quirk activated, preventing the two from continuing.

It was ruled as just an argument that went too far. The two of them got extra classes, but that was about it.

He was able to learn to not be so pushy about it,

but he couldn't stand seeing you with other people.

Even if the two of you broke up, it couldn't be helped...

He still loved you.

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