𝒩𝑒𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝒹𝑜

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Requested by mugw0mpus

I'm really very sorry, I hope this ends up being good enough to make up for me forgetting!

And, if this turns out to be super disappointing, I'm even more sorry!

| Is A Hero Allowed To Kill People? |

You were a villain by the name of (Last Name). You called yourself that, as your parents were both rich and terrible people, and you wanted to ruin their reputation. Your Quirk was Glue Monster, your skin could create a glue-like substance that materializes as a monster-shaped forcefield... thing that you could control the size of.

Luckily for you, due to your Quirk, no one knew what you really looked like. It also gave you an escape whenever you get caught, just de-activate your Quirk, and blend into the crowd!

And the best part about it? Since nobody could tell it was you, that means nobody knew that the person trying to destroy the (Last Name) Corporation was actually the only child of Mr. and Mrs. (Last Name)!

Recently, you'd been having troubles, as a certain Hero named Nejire-Chan, who'd been ruining all of your plans... well... you never really had any solid plans, so it was more ruining your spur-of-the-moment idea on how to ruin your parents reputation.

It was around 6pm, and you were about to have dinner with your  parents. Suddenly though, the doorbell rang.

"(Name), be a dear and get the door for me!" Your Mother yelled. You rolled your eyes, and walked over to the door. Opening it revealed a face you had seen before.

"Hello (Last Name)! Are ya busy?" She asked you. It was the Hero, Nejire-Chan.

"Hey Mom, can I step outside for a sec?!" You yelled.

"Sure, just be in soon."

You grabbed Nejire-Chan, pulled her outside, and closed the door.

"So, was I right? Are you (Last Name)?" She asked.

"Yeah, fine, you caught me, whatever!" You said frantically. "One: How the hell did you find out who I am? And two: Why are you at my house?!" You asked.

"Well, I was able to find out fairly easily, I just followed you after I realized someone was leaving white-ish footsteps." She explained.


"And for the answer to question two... I'm here to expose you to your parents. You'll go to therapy, and eventually realize that what you're doing is definitely bad!" She explained to you. You let out a laugh, grabbed her shoulders, and told her

"You think my parents will make me go to therapy? They'd just kick me out and have another child, completely forgetting about who I am in five months max." You said.

"What? But you-" She tried to make some reason as to why they wouldn't do that, but you interrupted with

"You think they care?" You laughed. "They don't. Why do you think I'm doing this?" You asked. Nejire-Chan looked at you confused, and was about to ask you something, before your Mother came out the front door yelling at you.

"I TOLD YOU TO BE IN SOON (NAME), NOW-" Then, she noticed Nejire-Chan standing there. "-Oh! I... I see we have a guest." She turned to you, and, putting on a fake sweet tone, asked you "Who's this, (Name)...?"

"I-" You tried to say something, but the Hero beside you interrupted.

"My name is Nejire Hado, Mrs. (Last Name)! I'm a friend of (Name)'s!" Nejire lied to your Mother.

"Oh really? (Name)'s never told me about you..." Your Mother said, doubtfully.

"Yes! We only recently became friends!" She continued to lie.

"Ah! Well then, Nejire, would you like to join us for dinner?"

Holy shit, this is the worst thing that could've happened.

After one of the most awkward dinners you've ever had, your Father asked- well, more demanded you say goodbye to Nejire and wish her a safe return home. And that was when Nejire had some questions.

"(Name)... are you-" She had some questions, but that doesn't mean that you'd let her ask them.

"Shut up." You told her. "Honestly, why did you think I was doing it?" You asked. You turned around, walking to the door, before turning back to Nejire, and telling her "Bye. I'll see you tomorrow night, when I inevitably decide to fight you."

Then, you walked outside, and closed the door.

When you woke up in the morning, it seemed... quieter than normal. Neither of your parents were telling you to "Get the fuck out of bed".

You walked to your closet, and changed your clothes, before making your way down two sets of stairs, and then seeing why no one was yelling.

Your parents were dead.

You didn't care though, you just stepped over the bodies, and made yourself some breakfast.

Since your parents are dead, there are no more rules. So, you walked around your house, eating your breakfast.

Then, you noticed the fireplace was lit. And you had an idea. You put down your breakfast, and hauled your parents bodies into the fireplace.

Then... the doorbell rang.

You walked over to the door, wondering who it could be, before you opened it, and saw someone you... didn't expect.

"Gooooood morning (Name)!" A cheery voice said to you. Nejire was here, again.

"W-why are you here?" You asked her.

"Just because I wanted to talk!" She said happily.

"But... th-this feels weird to me! I mean, you're a Hero, and I-"

"Are you gonna let me in, or not...?" Nejire asked you.

You let her inside, closing the door, and then awkwardly talking to her.

"Um... well, Nejire, I guess you don't have to worry about fighting me anymore!" You told her. "I mean, I might still cause some... trouble, but you probably won't have to fight me anymore."

"Oh, I know." She said, a smile on her face.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" You asked her. She walked over to where you found the bodies this morning, and pointed to the floor.

"Your parents were right here this morning, weren't they?" She asked.

"How do you know that?" You asked her.

"Oh, I have my reasons..." She told you. She walked over to the sink, before pulling something out of it. "Funny that you didn't realize one of your knives was missing!"

"Oh." You said. "Um... thanks? Should I say that?" You asked.

Over the next few weeks, the Villain, (Last Name), seemed to disappear. And, well... you were confused as to how it happened, but you ended up in a relationship with Nejire.

Even though you didn't know how it happened... you definitely weren't complaining!

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