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Haha time for a short one :)

And a low effort one :)

With a very abrupt and possibly disappointing ending :)

| Is It Acid Or Not? |

"Oh (Y/N)... why would you try that?" He asked you.

Why... why why why? Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why...?

Why did you have to do that...?

You should know.

You should know better by now.

You always end up getting hurt.

You always end up going back.

And the worst part is...

It's always willingly.

You always return with him completely willingly.

"Please... you don't have to do this...you know I love you, right...?" You asked, desperately trying to prevent anything terrible from happening.

"I know. I know that you love me, (Y/N)." Bakugou turned away from you, turning back to reveal he'd grabbed a cloth. "Though... I want to try something. And this 'something' will probably deter you from trying that again.

He tied the cloth around your head, using it as some kind of blindfold.

"O-oh! Is... this some sort of... kink... thing...?" You nervously asked.

"Uh... no? Why is that what your mind went to?" You just shrugged. "Oh well. It's time for me to try that thing I was talking about."

"(Y/N), right now, I'm holding a jug of water." He poured something on your arm. You could only assume it was water. "Hey, you know what acid is, right?"

"Well, of course."

"Good, good. So you know how it can burn through human skin, right? And you're in immense pain right now, right? Because I lied about it being water. It's acid."

Almost as if on cue, you started feeling pain in your arm, like something was burning.

"But why??" You yelled. "Why do that to me?!"

"Oh wow, how gullible are you?" Bakugou asked, laughing at you. "Why would I pour acid on you, (Y/N)? I could just use explosions!"

When he took off your blindfold, you saw that you had no injuries, and the liquid on your arm was just water.

"Oh... that's strange. So... what was that pain I felt?" After hearing you ask that, Bakugou just smirked,  and said

"Who knows."

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