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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

Always remember:
When life gives you lemons... don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? I'm the man who's gonna BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon THAT BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!!!

| Cursed Prince |

You live a simple life, but you're completely fine with that. Contrary to what other people felt, you actually liked your simple life of being a maid for a rich family. You never really wanted it to change.

But the world apparently had a different life in store for you.

The prince of the country you lived in was cursed when he was born. He an feel no positive emotions. But the wizard who cursed him gave the family one condition to break the curse.

"I'm not heartless, so I will let you know this... if the prince kisses his soulmate on the night of his 16th birthday, the curse will be lifted. His soulmate will be the same age as him, and he'll know who they are when he looks them in the eyes."

What a classic fairytale. Luckily, you're probably not his soulmate, so once this party is over tonight, you can just go back to your normal life.

You put on the nicest clothes you had, which weren't that nice, actually, but it's not like it matters because, as mentioned before, you're not gonna end up being the prince's soulmate.

You walked into the castle, hoping for the night to be over soon.

Every other 16 year old girl in the country was there. It was kinda cramped, but it's fine, the night will be over soon.

Everyone was talking about how they hope it's them, how they hope they're the prince's soulmate.

You didn't though.

"I think this is all a bad idea." You said. "I mean, putting a 16 year old boy in a room full of girls? That's just begging for something terrible to happen." You sarcastically said.

You heard a bunch of the girls say various things like "How could you say that?!" and "You dumb whore, why suggest that?" and "Prince Shouto would never!"

You just laughed to yourself. It's pretty funny to hear them defend someone they don't even know...

The long night went on and on, it seemed like it had no end.

"I need to step outside..." you said to yourself.

You made your way to the courtyard garden, just to get some fresh air.

The universe hates you, apparently.

Because when you stepped outside, you saw the prince sitting there. He was sitting on a bench, with his back turned to you, and he was looking up at the night sky.

Ok, you should leave.

As you turned around to leave, you suddenly heard him say something.

"Who's there?" You just stood there awkwardly, your hand on the door handle. "Oh, hello. Who are you?" You heard him ask. You sighed, and started introducing yourself.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm probably not your soulmate, so, uh... sorry." You said. You slowly turned around.

The moment he saw your face, you saw something in his eyes.


Oh god, it's you, isn't it?

"Right, well, I'll just be leaving now-"

"No, (Y/N), wait!"

He grabbed your shoulders, and spun you around to face him.

"Well, like I said, it's not me, so you don't have to try!" You said. You didn't want it to be you.

"B-but... what if it is you, (Y/N)? I... just... need... to..."

Shouto wrapped his arms around you, and...

He kissed you.

When he finally drew his face away from yours, he sighed, and smiled.

"I was right." He said. "It was you, (Y/N)."

You didn't want this to happen...

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