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Requested by: @EddloverUwU

(If you don't want me to say that you requested it, please tell me, I will remove it immediately)

| Set your heart on fire |

You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That was it.

You were a random person, who was just in the wrong place, at the worst time.

Blue flames engulfed the area, and you just sat there, terrified. You clutched your bag, and were about to make a run for it, but then... he noticed you. The person who started this whole thing.

"Oh. I see someone saw me." He said. You were about to die. There was no questioning it. So, in a panic, you ran. You ran as fast as you possibly could. Nothing mattered, you just had to run. And as you ran, you tripped.

Your body collided with the sidewalk, and your face stung like hell.

"Stupid fuckin' heels!" You cursed, your tears stinging your face as they rolled off of you. As you got up, someone grabbed your shoulders. Their hands were... very hot? Why? Wait...

Oh no.

You realized who it was before he even turned you around. It was him. The man from the alley. When he did turn you around, your found that suspicions were correct.

"Sorry, but I can't keep you alive. Though..." He looked at the busy street, and all the people staring at the two of you. "Maybe we should do that in a... more private place." He whispered.

"W-where are you going to take me...?" You asked, scared. He looked annoyed, and helped you stand back up.

"I don't know! Just-" He sighed. "I'll figure it out, for now, just act like you know me ok?" The way he said that... it struck total fear in your heart. But.... for some reason... it made you want to do what he said.

"Jeez, that was a nasty fall you had there... You ok?" He asked you, creating a story that the witnesses could think was happening.

"Th... thank you sir..." You said, grabbing your bag from the ground. You realized, while turning around to grab it, you could run. But, for some reason... you didn't. Why didn't you run? "Would you mind telling me your name?" You then asked him.

"Of course, my name's....." He paused. You knew that he wasn't about to tell you his real name, so he was probably thinking of a fake one. "Uh, T-Touya." He finally said.

"Touya, huh?" You said.

"Yeah. Here, follow me! I know a great place to grab a drink." 'Touya' told you, urging you to follow him.

You followed him as he walked, the dim street lights and the occasional shop window being the only thing lighting the way. Eventually, you reached a door. He opened it, let you inside, and then closed it.

"Good. No one else is here right now." He turned to you. "Well, I think I should tell you my real name. Dabi." He told you, placing a hand on his chest.

"Alright... well, you're gonna kill me, aren't you? Why don't you just do it already...?" You asked him, sadly, knowing you had walked straight to your death.

"Actually..." Dabi began to say. You looked up, confused. "I've changed my mind. I think I'll keep you alive... for now, at least." He walked towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Huh? W-what are you-" As you spoke, he placed a finger to your lips and kissed you on the cheek.

"If you ever try to leave me..." He created a blue flame in his palm. "I think you know what'll happen to you..."

"R-right..." You said shakily.

That was a month ago.

Tonight though...

You'll run.

You'll be free.

You didn't care if you died anymore.

If he did kill you, you'd still be free of him.

It was time to escape.




This one was... kind of fun to write, I'll be honest!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Also! On an unrelated note, it's October, which means it's 1: Spooky Month and 2: ADHD Awareness month!

[EDIT]: Hey guys what the fuck happened in chapter 290? Like, I know what happened, I saw it, but.... was the theory really just confirmed?!

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