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I have a bunch of ideas today for some reason!

| Caramel |

You're being tortured.

Not actually, but  that's what it felt like sometimes.

You know... there was a point in time when caramels were your favourite kind of candy.

But he'd ruined that for you.

Whenever he was around, the sweet smell of caramel hung in the air.

That sweet smell was usually followed by the unpleasant smell of burning.

Nobody in the class wanted to help you.

They'd just anger him even more.

Nobody wanted him to be more angry than he already is.

"(Y/N)." You heard an emotionless voice tell you.

"Oh! Hey Todoroki." You greeted him, turning around.

"I remember you telling me you liked caramels." He told you. "Well, someone gave me a love letter, and a small caramel chew thing, but I don't like caramels, so I thought I'd give it to you." He told you, pulling a small cube out of his front pocket.

"Oh, thank you Todoroki!" You said, smiling sweetly, and grabbing the small caramel square from him.

You unwrapped the candy, and put it in your mouth, not bothering to smell it.

The sweet taste spread inside your mouth as you chewed it.

As you felt the sweetness in the back of your throat, you swore you could smell it.

As you watched Todoroki's almost never-changing expression change to one of surprise, you realized the reason you could smell that sweet, horrible smell.

"(Y/N), Bakugou's behind you." Todoroki informed you. You turned around, and saw him standing there.

Bakugou suddenly grabbed you by the collar of your uniform.

"Here's the deal, asteroid." He told you. "Let's settle this. If you beat me in a fight, then I'll leave you alone. Sound good?"

"I... t-that sounds good." You stupidly agreed. "But what if you win...?"

"Then you have to date me."

"Right..." You kept agreeing. You didn't know what else to say. If you disagreed, he'd just get more mad.

"Mr. Aizawa." You heard Todoroki say. "Do (Y/N) and Bakugou have permission to fight?" Aizawa looked at a sheet of paper in his hands.

"We are supposed to 1v1 training battles today, so... yes, that's fine." He informed you.

"Great..." Bakugou whispered.

Well... you're about to die.

At sixteen.


Didn't have much of a life, huh?

Your Quirk probably wouldn't do much in the fight, as you looked at the very flat concrete floor. It was called 'asteroid', which was also Bakugou's dumb nickname for you. You could throw anything super fast, the easiest for you to do it with was baseballs.

In the fight, you just avoided his attacks for as long as you could, until...

From the explosions...

You saw a rock fly up from the floor.

You grabbed it as hard as you could, and so...

You threw it at him.

"FUCK!" You heard him scream as the rock hit his face.

You saw him sitting on the floor, and suddenly got super worried as you realized his eye was bleeding.

"O-oh god, I didn't mean to hurt you...!" You said, worridly walking over to him. "A-are you ok, Bakugou?"

He suddenly punched you in the stomach, and held you down on the floor.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, (Y/N)." He said to you, mockingly. You heard his heavy breathing, as he told you "And... I win."

That bitch.

After school, you made your way home, defeated.

You just embarrassed yourself.

You were so close to winning, but...

You thought you'd hurt him...

You sadly opened the door to your house, and dropped your bag on the floor.

You felt strange.

You smelled... something.

Whatever it was, it...


It smelled like...



Was he... here?

No, he doesn't know where you live.

There's no reason to worry.

You walked upstairs, and the smell only got stronger.

You opened the door to your room, and saw...


You saw...

"Hey (Y/N)."

You saw Bakugou.

Why is he in your room?

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