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I don't know what this one is, just kinda wrote out what I was feeling.

Enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

| Rose-Coloured |

You know all those movies where they have to prevent the absolute end of the world?

Now imagine if they failed to save humanity.

Some kind of asteroid hit the planet a few months ago, but somehow, you survived.

There's a huge chance you are the last living person on Earth.

You lie down on the couch, looking out the shattered window.

The sky was still blue, and the sun was still shining, as if nothing had ever happened.

You hopped out the window, and started walking around. The internet's gone, so there's literally nothing else to do.

You saw a large building on a hill.

The once glorious UA Academy.

You've never been inside the building, and since there's no power, the barrier probably doesn't work, so...

Maybe you should go check it out.

All of the windows were shattered, and the ground seemed to have been stained with dried blood.

Walking inside, it felt like you weren't supposed to be there. Even though it's abandoned, it still felt like you were trespassing.


What's that sound?

Are those... footsteps?

No, you're just hearing yourself.

That's the only explaination.

You heard more.

No, no. Don't get your hopes up, you're completely alone.

You opened a door, and...

You were proven wrong.

There was someone your age.

He was standing in an abandoned classroom, holding a rope.

He stared at you for a moment, before whispering to himself

"I'm not alone...?" He smiled, and walked to you. "I knew it! I knew I wasn't alone!" You put your hand on his shoulder.

"Ok, I can tell you're a real person." You said. "Now, who are you?"

"Denki!" He said happily. "If you're going to ask me to come with you, I need to tell you that I don't want to leave any of my friends, so I'd kindly prefer not to."

"Wait, you mean there are more people here?" You asked.

"Well... not-" He sighed. "Not exactly... everyone I know died, as far as I know." He told you, sadly. "B-but they're still with me! I'm sure they are! B-because I can still hear them!"

"You do?"

"Mhm!" He nodded. "All of my friends still talk to me, and they'll get worried if I'm gone too long, I'm sure."

"Well then, I'm gonna go." You said. "Have a nice life, Denki."

As you turned to leave, and started walking away, you heard him call.


You turned back to him.

"Could I... could I come with you...?" He asked. "I don't want to be alone anymore. And I could probably convince my friends to come with us, so... please...?"

"Sure." You dryly said.

You two walked together, Denki talking to himself as you did so.

"Hey, by the way, what's your name?" Denki asked you.

"(Y/N)." You told him.

"Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, (Y/N)... since you and I survived, then... maybe more people survived!" He told you, happily.

"Is that what you think?" You asked. "Heh. Wish I could think like that." You said. "Denki, you and I are probably the last people in the world. I'm sure the moment you met me something clicked in your mind, realizing you could finally have a happy ending, where the two of us find more people that survived, and rebuild society. Well, I hate to shatter your dreams, but this isn't a movie, Denki. There's not gonna be a happy ending." You said to him.

"...I know." He said, quietly. "But oh well! I'm going to think that there is an ideal ending waiting for us, (Y/N)!" He said, instantly regaining his happy tone. "Oh! And while we walk, I can introduce you to my friends! They all want to meet you!"

"Yeah, ok, do whatever you want."

Denki introduced you to all of his friends, and by the time he was done, it was dark outside, and you'd arrived.

"Alright, this is my house. Come in, if you want. You stepped in through the window, and Denki followed you.

As you two talked, Denki's tone suddenly changed dramatically.

"Can I tell you something, (Y/N)...?"

"Sure, go ahead." He took a deep breath in and looked directly at you.

"You're right. You're right about everything. I know that we're probably the only survivours. I wish my friends- my real friends- were still alive. I sometimes wish I'd died instead of them." He confessed. "When I started hearing them again, I just decided to put on rose-coloured glasses, and ignore everything that happened. Just pretend they never died. That seemed to be the better option, since the only other option to stop these feelings would be to kill myself."

"O-oh Jesus..."

"Even with me pretending everything was fine, those feelings only got worse. And... you... do you remember what I was holding when you met me...?" He slowly asked.

"You were holding... a rope... right...?" You asked. Denki nodded in response.

"I was just planning on hanging myself right then and there." He told you. "But... then I met you. And things got better for a bit. Thanks for finding me, (Y/N)." He suddenly blushed, and laughed. "S-sorry about having such a morbid conversation with you before bed! Hope I didn't give you nightmares, or whatever!" He said, happily. "I'm... I'm gonna go to bed now. Night, (Y/N)."

"Good night, Denki..."

You thought he was just some dumbass, not truly understanding what was happening.

But now...

You felt bad for him.

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