𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔐𝔞𝔦𝔫 𝔗𝔯𝔦𝔬

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This isn't the idea I was talking about in the last chapter, I was just listening to a certain song, and I was like "ooh, what if I did this?"

(You'll probably know the song right away if you know it)

I have been given the oppertunity to come up with dumb nicknames for groups of three or more people. I know I'm just saying "Main trio", but that's just because that's what they are. For an example, I can Denki Kiri and Deku the Stoplight Boys :)

Btw short chapter

| Just Let Us Adore You |

"Come on (Y/N), we've done everything you wanted." Todoroki told you.

"We have an entire castle for the four of us!" Midoriya added.

"I have a castle." Bakugou angrily informed you. "I'm just letting Deku and half 'n' half stay with me. You can stay without me getting annoyed though, (Y/N)."

"I mean, thanks for the offer, but... I should go now, if I stay here any longer, I'm gonna miss the boat home." You told them.

"Wait, please (Y/N)! Just consider staying here!" Midoriya yelled. "I mean, I stopped killing people for you, right? Isn't that what you wanted?"

"And I released the people I wrongfully imprisoned because they were getting too close to you." Todoroki added. "Because you told me to let them go."

"And I decided against going to war with your country." Bakugou told you.

"You were planning on going to war with my country?" You asked.

"Oh, did I not tell you?" Bakugou asked. "Yeah, I was gonna, but then I decided not to."

"O-ok, well... I appreciate everything you did, but I really must be going..." you nervously said.

"NO!" All three of them yelled.


Yeah, you should start running.

As you ran, Midoriya tackled you.

"Be gentle with her, Midoriya." You heard Todoroki aggressively say. "I may be fine with you touching her, but don't push your fucking luck."

"Yeah, just leave the 'taking her to the castle' part to me-"

"Same goes for you, Bakugou. Don't think you're off the hook either. I'm taking her back." Todoroki continued saying.

"Ok, but I get to feed her! 'Cause we're gonna keep her chained up for a bit, right?" Midoriya insisted.

"What are you three talking about?" You asked, done with everything.

"We want to love you. We want you to love us." Todoroki told you.

"But you, being the pussy you are, just wanna run away to your mommy and daddy 'cause you got a bit scared of some blood." Bakugou added.

"So we're gonna keep you here by force!" Midoriya continued, super happily.

"Come on, just let us love you..."

"Come on, just let us care for you."

"Come on, just stay here forever!"

"Just let us adore you..."

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