𝔈𝔦𝔧𝔦𝔯𝔬 𝔎𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔪𝔞

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now's time for a very unimpressive villain Kiri

Oh yeah, and uh... I just wanna say something that's on my mind rn.... the fact that Kiri's eyebrows are red makes me mildly uncomfortable, because that implies that he dyes his eyebrows.

| Bonds |

"LET ME GO!! I'LL MURDER ALL OF YOU!!!" You screamed. You had been kidnapped by Villains.

"You remind me of me." The blonde haired boy in the back of the van with you told you.

"Well if we're so similar, could ya tell me where we're going?" You asked.

"We're taking you to a teammate of ours. He's gonna make sure you don't get away before we get what we want." He told you, getting some things ready.

"Mmmm what you grabbing?" You asked. He sighed.

"Could you just, like, stop talking or some shit? You're being kinda annoying." He pulled out a needle, and grabbed your arm, injecting the shot into you.

"Hey you. Looks like your finally awake." You heard someone say as you slowly woke up.

"Nnngggg... where am I...?" You asked.

"Sorry, can't tell you." Your eyes adjusted to the well-lit room, and you saw the identity of the voice. It was a boy who looked the same age as you, his long red hair having two spikes, making it look like he had horns. He also had strange scars that looked like cracks all acrosshis skin"You can call me... The Bloody... Red Riot." He said, trying to sound intimidating.

"The bloody? Sounds like you're trying too hard to be edgy."

"SHUT UP!" He screamed. "My friend told me I should put that before my name to sound more intimidating..."

"Your friend sounds like someone who was also trying too hard to be edgy-"

His hand suddenly changed, getting harder. He put it to your neck, threatening to slit your throat.

"Don't make fun of her. You do, and you'll lose your life."

"Jeez, ok, simp." You rolled your eyes. "So, Red... uh, am I allowed to call you that?"


"Too bad! Ok, is there any food here? I'm kinda hungry." You asked, getting out of bed.

"Obviously! We're keeping you captive, we're not trying to kill you!" Red told you, exasperated.

So, you had some food.

"Uh, I just think I should tell you, I... don't do too well with... making friends, and stuff like that." He told you. "I don't have many bonds with people, since I know they'll just end up dying on me. So if you thought you were gonna end up making friends with me, you were mistaken."

A few days later...

"Hey, Red, how'd you come up with your name?" You asked.

"Oh, well..." he paused, and looked slightly embarrassed. "I've been made fun of for it before, but... I guess I'll tell you." He turned away from you. "H-have you... ever heard of C-Crimson Riot...?" He nervously asked.

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